

Clock In

Use the Clock In to clock in an employee for their shift. When a shop employee arrives for the day, he/she must log in (or clock in) to the handheld device to report his or her arrival for that day.

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.



  1. Under the Main Menu, tap on Labor and select Clock In.

  2. In the Shift field, enter or search for a Shift.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Shift field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Shift.


3. Click CLOCK IN


Start Indirect

This Requires the Job Management module

Indirect Labor is time that is spent not working on a specific job. Sweeping the floor and doing machine maintenance are examples of indirect labor.

Start Indirect starts an indirect labor activity.  

Processing Steps:

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.


  2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Labor and select Start Indirect.

3. In the Resource Group field, enter or search for a Resource Group ID.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Resource Group field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Resource Group ID.



4. In the Indirect Code field, enter or search for an Indirect Code that belongs to a Resource Group ID.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Indirect Code field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Indirect Code.

5. Click START INDIRECT to start and add to the work queue.

6. Once in the Work Queue screen, the user can continue adding Activities.

7. Select the Indirect Activity.


Start Production

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.


2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Labor and select Start Production.

3. Enter the Job Number, Assembly Sequence and Operation Sequence in their respective fields.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the respective fields field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Job Number, Assembly Sequence and Operation Sequence.



4. Click START PRODUCTION to start the production and add to the work queue. 

a. The user can add more production operations to the work queue.

5. Once in the work queue, the user can select the operation to complete by selecting within the rectangular border of the operation and clicking the END ACTIVITY button.

7. Select Request Move check box to create MFG-xxx transaction type Material Queue record.

8. The REPORT QUANTITY option opens Report Quantity entry form where partial completed quantities can be entered against ongoing production activity. 


Start Setup

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.


2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Labor and select Start Setup.

3. Enter the Job Number, Assembly Sequence and Operation Sequence in their respective fields.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the respective fields field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Job Number, Assembly Sequence and Operation Sequence.



4. Click START SETUP to start the setup and add it to the work queue. 

a. User can add more setup operations to the work queue.


Start Rework

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.


2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Labor and select Start Rework.

3. Enter the Job Number, Assembly Sequence and Operation Sequence in their respective fields.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the respective fields field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Job Number, Assembly Sequence and Operation Sequence.


4. Click START REWORK to start the rework and add it to the work queue.

Started Activities

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.


2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Labor and select Started Activities.
3. Click START ACTIVITY and select an Activity Type or Select a task (add filter criteria if required).



5. Enter details and click END ACTIVITY or REPORT QUANTITY

Work Queue

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.


2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Labor and select Work Queue.

3. In the Work Queue view, Activities will be seen in the Active tab.



4. Open an active item from the Active tab by clicking on an item in the list.


5. Accomplish the information in the Quantity and Reason fields.



6. Tick on the necessary boxes that is applicable.

7. A green check will appear beside the item in the list to note that the activity has been completed in the Work Queue.




8. Click on END ACTIVITY to complete the action on the item.

9. In the Queue tab, sort the items according to their type.



10. Items in the Queue tab can also be sorted by Column.


11. Click on Sort Order and enter the column that will be sorted.

12. In the Sort by field, the column details can be sorted by Descending or Ascending order.



13. Select the items in the queue and click on Start Setup or Start Production.