

Confirm Customer Ship

Use Confirm Customer Shipment to confirm shipments that have not been confirmed.  It allows the user to update a Pack with the Tracking number and ship the pack.

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.




  1. Under the Main Menu, tap on Shipping and select Confirm Custom Ship.

  2. In the Pack Num field, enter or search for a Pack Num.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Pack Num field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Pack Num.

3. Enter the Tracking number if available.

4. Click UPDATE and CONFIRM to complete the shipment

Confirm Subcontract Shipment

Confirm subcontractor shipments. You create subcontractor shipments in Subcontract Shipment Entry.

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.




  1. Under the Main Menu, tap on Shipping and select Confirm Subcontract Shipment.

  2. In the Subcon Pack Number field, enter or search for a Subcon Pack Number.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Subcon Pack Number field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Subcon Pack Number.


3. Click VIEW SUBCON to view details in the Subcon Hub tab.

a. The user can drill-down on the Subcontractor Shipment Lines to view details

4. Click SAVE to complete shipment.


Customer Shipment

This functionality requires the Pack Out Processing license to be installed.

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.



2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Shipping and select Customer Shipment.

3. In the Pack Num field, enter or search for a Pack Num.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Pack Num field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Pack Num.


4. Click GENERATE NEW for a new Pack ID.

5. Select the Pack Out tab to add Orders/PCIDs.

6. Click VIEW to go to the Pack Line tab and enter the necessary details.

7. Click SAVE.

Secondary Actions Menu:

Secondary Actions Menu/Secondary Actions Sub Menu

Secondary Actions Menu/Secondary Actions Sub Menu




Secondary Actions Sub Menu

Secondary Actions Sub Menu



Customer Mass Ship

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.



2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Shipping and select Customer Mass Ship.

3. In the Order Number field, enter or search for a Order Number.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Order Number field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Order Number for shipping.

4. Click SHIP ORDER to process the shipment

5. Click SHIP to complete the shipment.



Transfer Order Ship

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.



2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Shipping and select Transfer Order Shipment.

3. In the Pack Num field, enter or search for a Pack Num.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Pack Num field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Pack Num.

4. Click NEW PACK.

5. Click SHIP to ship the TFO accepting the default bin locations or enter each line and change the location and quantity. 


Secondary Actions Menu:





Master Pack

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.



2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Shipping and select Master Pack Shipment.

3. In the Master Pack field, enter or search for a Master Pack.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Master Pack field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Master Pack.




5. Enter the tracking data and known stage name and click on the Add Packs tab to search/enter Pack Numbers by Shipment type

a. Repeat if required.

6. Click SAVE when shipment is completed.

Mass Transfer Order Ship

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.



2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Shipping and select Mass Transfer Order Ship.

3. In the Transfer Order No field, enter or search for a Transfer Order No.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Transfer Order No field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Transfer Order No.



4. Complete the pack information accordingly.

5. Click SHIP to complete the shipments.




Picked Orders

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.



2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Shipping and select Picked Orders.

3. Enter or search for the necessary filters and click on VIEW PICKED ORDERS.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the fields to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate filter value.






Order Number

Enter Order Number

Customer Number

Enter Customer Number

Ship to Num

Enter Ship to Num

Warehouse Code

Enter Warehouse Code

Bin Number

Enter Bin Number

4. Click on individual lines for inclusion/exclusion or click SELECT ALL or DESELECT ALL.


5. Click PROCESS to confirm the Pack.


Secondary Actions Menu:

Secondary Actions Menu

Secondary Actions Menu



Pick List

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.



2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Shipping and select Pick List.

3. In the Order Number field, enter or search for a Order Number.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Order Number field to select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Order Number.



TFO Direct Shipment

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.



2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Shipping and select TFO Direct Shipment.

3. In the Header tab, following fields, Complete the necessary details and click Create.






Order Date

Enter Order Date

Need by Date

Enter Need by Date

Ship By

Enter Ship By date

To Site

Enter the site the shipment will be sent to

Ship Via

Select the preferred mode of shipment


Select Type


Select Classification

4. In the Lines tab, following fields, Complete the necessary details sn click Process.






Part Number

Enter or select through the filter the Part Number


Enter Quantity

UOM code

Enter or select through the filter the UOM code

Lot Number

Enter or select through the filter the Lot Number


Enter or select through the filter the Warehouse

Bin Number

Enter or select through the filter the Bin Number


Enter Packages