Licencing the device
- Enter Licence Key to license the device and press LICENSE DEVICE
2. Press DEMO MODE if the application is to run against EPICOR demo system with configured EPIC06 or EPIC03 company or EpicorE6 in cloud educational environment
Press DEVICE to see how this device will be identified by the licencing system.
Click I Accept and Continue
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Server URL
Enter the Server URL and click CONTINUE.
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Enter your User Name and Password and click LOG IN.
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Login to system using self-signed certificate
In case customer is using “self-signed” certificate with the EPICOR application the following steps need to be completed so that certificate errors do not prevent successful logging to EMW application.
In Chrome browser on the device enter API help page URL.
On the warning page press Advanced
And on next page press on Proceed to <servername>
In the Sign in pop up enter valid EPICOR Username and Password
EPICOR REST API Help Page opens
Azure AD Authentication
Before using Azure AD authentication in EMW versions 3.3.3 and higher, the following Redirect URI https://emwkineticapp/
needs to be added to Azure AD Registered Client Application to allow EMW to be authenticated with Azure AD
When connecting to EPICOR server configured for Azure AD Authentication Microsoft logon pages are presented instead of regular login screen shown above.
(Additionally SaaS customers need to enter their Epicor Tenant ID. This dialog does not display for on-premise customers )
Epicor Identity Provider (IdP) Authentication
Before using IdP authentication in EMWW versions 3.34.0 and higher, the following Replay URI https://emww-biscit.com
needs to be added for the specific tenant's ERP JavaScript type client (WebApp) in IdP for successful connection.
When connecting to EPICOR server configured for IdP Authentication EPICOR IdP logon pages are presented instead of regular login screen shown above.
Select employee
Select the Company/Site/Employee ID and click LOGIN. Click the question mark for further help.
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Home View/How To
This section provides some brief descriptions of how the EMW works and the icons you may see throughout the application. The Settings section for each Process Group contains values that affect the way the application works. In some cases the Mobile devices own settings can be set to optimise the user experience, eg open an input field automatically.
The main title bar appears at the top of most screens and displays the title. It contains "Hamburger" icons that display the Main Menu and Help/System Info. It also includes the User/Employee currently logged in and their Favourite screens/processes.
Icon | Name | Purpose | Example |
Hamburger | Top Left: Menu List Top Right:
| ||
User | Employee Config: Display/change the current Company/Site/Employee Licencing: Shows company the device is licenced to. Press button to Refresh Token, Remove Licence, view Device identity used to licenc the device. Language: Change the current selected language Log Out: Exits the application and takes the user back to the Login screen | ||
Information | Provides a list of key fields and values for a specific object | ||
Date Selector | Entry fields with this icon allow the user to select a date from a Calendar viewer. | ||
Selected | Indicates the a record has been selected/pre-selected for processing. | ||
Camera/Scan | Secondary screens require the user to click the Camera button to initiate scanning. | ||
Secondary Actions Menu | This symbol indicates additional actions might be available depending on the transaction selected. | ||
List/Search List | Clicking this symbol opens a search screen for the particular field. Users will then be able to filter the result list before making a selection. Text box fields with this symbol can be populated via scan, manual entry or searching and selecting a value. | ||
Filter | User has the ability to enter additional search criteria to restrict the number of results returned in the list | ||
Next | Next arrows indicate that further information/details can be displayed/entered. Records are separated by a line. | ||
Scan Required | System setting has been set to force the user to scan for validation. In this case a scan is required to validate the Part Number | ||
Buttons | The following refers to the standard Epicor colour scheme. Orange: Primary buttons following the logical process flow will appear as yellow. Dark Grey: These are referred to as secondary buttons and may provide additional information/functionality when selected. Light Grey: These buttons are currently disable and may become enabled after certain steps are completed or the record meets certain criteria. Example - The Serial button would be enabled for serial tracked Parts. Red: Delete/Remove/Exit selected items Green: Select values for processing |
Screens/processes marked as favourites appear on the employees Home screen for quicker/easier access.
Processing Steps:
- On the main menu list expand Favourites and select Setup
- Click on the star for any menu item you'd like add/remove from your favourites list
- Click on the Re-Order tab change the display order
- Click SAVE to finalise or CLEAR ALL to start afresh
Tracker screens are data lists which the user can drill down on to expand record information. Each tracker has an Entry tab containing its own set of Filter criteria which the user can Enter/Search or Scan to populate. Screen shots in the following section provide samples of some, but not all data/information available to the user. Users are encouraged to investigate what data is provided by the Trackers knowing that all data is read only.
Bin Tracker
The Bin Tracker tracks parts in a warehouse and bin.
- Enter or search for a warehouse.
- Enter or search for a bin that belongs to that warehouse.
- If both warehouse and bin are valid, it will take you to the details page, which will show you all the parts that are in that bin.
- Click on any part in the bin to see a more detailed view of it.
Lot Tracker
The Lot Tracker tracks parts in a lot.
- Enter or search for a part.
- In systems with AdvancedUnitOfMeasure (AOUM) license, enter or search Attribute Set for attribute tracked part
- Enter or search for a lot of that part.
- If both part and lot are valid, it will take you to the details page, which will show you a list of the locations of all the parts that are in that lot.
- In case of attribute tracked part valid part, attribute and lot are required
Part Tracker
The Part Tracker tracks parts in a warehouse.
- Enter or search for a part number or part uom barcode that is associated with that part.
- If the part number/barcode is valid, it will take you to the details page, which will show you the all the locations and quantities of that part.
- Systems with AdvancedUnitOfMeasure (AOUM) license will show Dynamic Attribute Tracked part's quantities aggregated per location.
- Click on any part listing to see a more detailed view of it.
- if a Dynamic Attribute Tracked part (sytems with AdvancedUnitOfMeasure (AOUM) license) is clicked the list of quantities and number of pieces
for each contained Attribute Set are displayed before detailed part view is displayed when cliked on any item in that list.
Serial Tracker
The Serial Tracker tracks serialized parts.
- Enter or search for a valid serial number.
- If the serial number belongs to a part, it will take you to the details page, which will show you the details for all the parts that the serial number is attached to.
Transaction Log
The Transaction Log can be used to review part and quantity transaction activity.
- Enter the time period that you could like to see activities for. You can either select a date range, or simply enter the last number of days that you could like to see.
- Once you click search, it will bring up a list of every transaction during that time period.
- Click on any transaction to see more details for it. The detailed view can be toggled between key data and all data.
Order Tracker
The Order Tracker tracks sales orders in the system.
- Enter or search for a sales order number.
- If the sales order exists, it will take you to the details page, which will a list of all the lines in that order.
- Click on any line in the order to see more details about it.
Receipt Tracker
The Receipt Tracker tracks receipts that are in the system.
- Enter or search for a supplier/vendor ID.
- Enter or search for a packslip number that belongs to that supplier.
- If both supplier ID and packslip number are valid, it will take you to the details page, which will contain a list of the lines in that pack.
- Click on any line to see a more detailed view of it.
PCID Tracker
This program is available only if you have an AMM license
The PCID functionality is not available in Epicor Web Access (EWA)
Use PCID Tracker (Handheld) to view high level details related to a specified Package Control ID (PCID).
- You can enter or scan the PCID number, or access Package Control ID Search to search for and select a PCID number. After you do this, associated information displays. This includes the PCID control type, label type, status,packing slip number, return dock and other fields that indicate if mixed child PCIDs are allowed, if the PCID container is returnable or expendable, and if an Advanced Shipping Notice has been sent.
- You can view a PCID and its associated information for all types of PCID that include standard inventory PCIDs, staged PCIDs, and history PCIDs.
- To use this function, you must first select the Enable Package Control check box for the current site in the Site Configuration Control > Modules > AMM > Package Control sheet
Job Tracker
Use the Job Tracker to view all information regarding a job and to track all job-related material such as:
- Material issued to a job
- When material was issued and how much
- Material still needed on a job
- Material ordered directly to a job
It also provides information on operations such as:
- Has an operation been started?
- Has an operation been completed?
- Who worked on an operation?
- How many units have been produced?
Clock In
Use the Clock In screen to clock in an employee for their shift. When a shop employee arrives for the day, he or she must log in (or clock in) to the handheld device to report his or her arrival for that day.
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter a Shift.
- Click CLOCK IN
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Start Indirect
(Requires the 'Job Management' module)
Indirect Labor is time that is spent not working on a specific job. Sweeping the floor and doing machine maintenance are examples of indirect labor.
Start Indirect starts an indirect labor activity. Note. You must be “Clocked In” to access this menu item.
Processing Steps:
- Enter or search for a resource group ID.
- Enter or search for an indirect code that belongs to that resource group.
- Click START INDIRECT to start it and add it to the work queue.
- View the Work Queue or continue adding Activities.
- Select the Indirect Activity
- The end activity screen allows the user to set the activity complete once the job has been finalised. Entering the full qty will automatically set the Complete flag.
Start Production
(Requires the 'Job Management' module)
Start Production is used to enter job operation information for a production activity. Note: You must be “Clocked In” to access this menu item.
Processing Steps:
- Enter the job number, assembly sequence and operation sequence.
- If the number and sequences are valid, it will automatically load the job details. You can override the Resource group and/or Resource.
- Click START PRODUCTION to start the production and add it to the work queue. Or you can add more production operations to the work queue.
- Once in the work queue you can select the operation to complete by selecting within the rectangular border of the operation and clicking END ACTIVITY option button.
- The end activity screen then allows the user to enter the qty and other relevant information such as PCID, Lot Number and Serial Numbers and save. Entering the full qty will automatically set the Complete flag.
- Select Request Move check box to create MFG-xxx transaction type Material Queue record .
- REPORT QUANTITY option opens Report Quantity entry form where partial completed quantities can be entered against ongoing production activity.
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Start Setup
(Requires the 'Job Management' module)
Start Setup is used to enter job operation information for a setup activity. Note. You must be “Clocked In” to access this menu item.
Processing Steps:
- Enter the job number, assembly sequence and operation sequence.
- If the number and sequences are valid, it will automatically load the job details. You can override the Resource group and/or Resource.
- Click START SETUP to start the setup and add it to the work queue. Or you can add more setup operations to the work queue.
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Start Rework
(Requires the 'Job Management' module)
Start Rework is used to start rework activity on a job.
Processing Steps:
- Enter the job number, assembly sequence and operation sequence.
- If the number and sequences are valid, it will automatically load the job details.
- Click START REWORK to start the rework and add it to the work queue.
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Work Queue
(Requires the 'Job Management' module)
Use Work Queue to list job operations scheduled in each resource group. This queue informs the shop employees of the operations to perform and the order of operations according to the schedule. To start direct labor entry, the employee selects a job from the list
Work Queue also provides quick access to other information useful to both the employee and supervisory personnel, such as a picture of the part, extended operation, and job description. The work queue is an extended Priority Dispatch report online that creates a paperless shop floor
Processing Steps:
- Click START ACTIVITY and then select an Activity Type or
- Select a task (add filter criteria if required)
- Enter details
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Material Queues (Mtl Queues)
The material queue is the process by which warehouse employees reserve a material queue item. This locks the transaction to their user id and cannot be accessed or viewed by other employees. This allows users to process items in their queue, select additional items from the available queue or return items to the available queue.
This process is bypassed when either Warehouse Manager assigns material queue items to employees or the warehouse process preferred is to print the material queue list and then process by the Request ID number.
Access via the Mtl Queues > Mtl Q item and List menu items.
Process by ID
Process by ID is used when there is no requirement to apportion the work across multiple employees. Using the Material queue ID to ‘Process Material Queue’
- The user can search and select from a list of existing material queue items.
- After a valid ID is selected the Process Issue form loads for the selected record
- The user then follows “Process Material Queue” process discussed later
Secondary Actions Menu:
Different Process Types will have different Action Items available
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Secondary Actions Menu |
Material Queue
This page is used select and lock material queue items to the currently user. Material queue items are generated in response to movements, purchases and sales. They dictate the flow of materials around the warehouse.
Processing Steps:
- Selecting an Item will lock this item to the current user, No other employee can see a selected item. Selecting an Item adds the item to “My Material Queue”.
- Be aware 'Printed' material queue items will turn up in both material queue / my material queue without selection, as Epicor applies an employee 'Printed' when a pick list is printed.
Secondary Actions Menu:
Material Queue
- Mtl Queue Editor: See Settings section on Material Queue Editor
- Select Mtl Query: Change the query/results list
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Secondary Actions Menu |
My Material Queue
This page is used to process items locked by the current user. My Material Queue is a step of movements that you are committed to undertake. They could be self-selected using the material queue or assigned to them by a manager through the Epicor material queue manager.
Processing Steps:
- Selecting a record will open the Process tab for the user to complete the details.
- Be aware 'Printed' material queue items will turn up in both material queue / my material queue without selection, as Epicor applies an employee 'Printed' when a pick list is printed.
Secondary Actions Menu:
My Material Queue
- Mtl Queue Editor: See Settings section on Material Queue Editor
- Select Mtl Query: Change the query/results list
- Different Process Types will have different Action Items available. Example; STK-SHP - Generate PCID
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Secondary Actions Menu | |
Outbound Orders
Outbound Orders allows the user to view and select all material queue records that are associated with a sales order number.
Processing Steps:
- First select an order
- The material queue items associated to that order are loaded and displayed in a list.
- Users can then click specific items or select all.
- Individual lines can be inspected for more detail by swiping left/right on an item.
- Click VIEW to quickly navigate to view the lines selected in My Outbound Orders.
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My Outbound Orders
My Outbound Orders allows the user to process material queue records that are associated with sales order number.
Processing Steps:
- First select an order
- Only the material queue items that have been selected by the active user will display.
- Selecting a record will open the Process tab for the user to complete the details.
- When all items of the selected order are processed and the list is empty the application will prompt the user to view in picked orders.
Secondary Actions Menu:
- Different Process Types will have different Action Items available. Example; STK-SHP - Generate PCID
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Secondary Actions Menu |
Auto Select Transaction
Select the next transaction that needs to be completed in the warehouse for the logged in user.
Processing Steps:
Select a task to process by selecting within the lines.
A selected line will take you to the Process tab for completion
- Click SAVE
Secondary Actions Menu:
- Different Process Types will have different Action Items available. Example; STK-SHP - Generate PCID
Secondary Actions Menu |
Custom Material Queues (Custom Mtl Queues)
Default Query
The custom Material queries list the custom view created in the Settings > Mtl Query setup. A Default Query provides unfiltered view of all Material Queue records with definable sort order.
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Confirm Customer Ship
Use Confirm Customer Shipment to confirm shipments that have not been confirmed. It allows the user to update a Pack with the Tracking number and ship the pack.
Processing Steps:
- Search/enter a Pack Number.
- Enter the Tracking number if available
- Click UPDATE and CONFIRM TO COMPLETE the shipment
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Confirm Subcontract Shipment
Confirm subcontractor shipments. You create subcontractor shipments in Subcontract Shipment Entry.
Processing Steps:
- Search/enter a Subcon Pack Number
- Click VIEW SUBCON to view details in the Subcon Hub tab
- The user can drill-down on the Subcontractor Shipment Lines to view details
- Click SAVE to complete shipment
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Customer Shipment
Use Customer Shipment Entry to process customer shipments.
Pack Out
This functionality requires the Pack Out Processing license to be installed.
Pack out is a shipping method that allows carton level packing and grouping to add greater flexibility and control to the current shipping process.
The Pack Out sheet provides more of a grocery store style packing system, which requires minimal mouse usage if you require a fast accurate system to track carton contents. You can scan or enter the necessary fields (header and detail) to completely pack or unpack a carton from one screen.
Tip If you install the Advanced Material Management license, and enable the Package Control functionality for the current site, you can use the PCID functionality to pack a PCID and its contents. You either pack a PCID which you previously picked through the handheld SO Pick transactions, or you can pack a stock non-Label Print Controlled PCID and its contents bypassing the fulfilment and picking process.
Processing Steps:
- Search/enter an existing Pack Number for shipping or Click GENERATE NEW for a new Pack ID.
- The Summary tab contains the Shipping details and allows the user to enter Drive/Vehicle information.
- Select the Pack Out tab to add Orders/PCIDs.
- Click VIEW to go to the Pack Line tab to enter details.
- Click SAVE
- When the Shipment is complete the user can click the PRINT/CLOSE PACK/SHIP buttons to finalise.
Secondary Actions Menu:
Summary/Pack Out/Pick Line
- Edit Information - Edit the Shipping details
- Customer Shipment Header - Displays the Header information
- Shipment Lines - Displays - Displays the Line information
- Actions: Print, Close, Stage or complete Shipment
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Secondary Actions Menu/Secondary Actions Sub Menu | |
Secondary Actions Sub Menu | |
Customer Mass Ship
Process all shipments for a specified order. It allows the user to choose the bin location for removal of inventory for each line and ship an order. No picking function required.
Processing Steps:
- Search/enter an order for shipping
- Click SHIP ORDER to process the shipment
- The user can view additional information on the Summary or Line tabs with the user has the option to accept the default locations to ship from or access each line and change the bin location and/or the quantity to ship.
- Click SHIP to complete the shipment.
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Transfer Order Ship
Use Transfer Order Shipment to enter the shipment of an inter-site transfer. This program is valuable when you want to satisfy inter-site demand and confirming the bin locations containing stock on hand.
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter a Pack Number or click GENERATE NEW PACK.
- The user can click SHIP to ship the TFO accepting the default bin locations or enter each line and change the location and quantity.
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Master Pack
Use Master Pack Shipment to combine separate pack IDs (master packs) into one master pack group to ship as one shipment. You can select the shipment type for the master pack, but the pack is then restricted to only shipments of that type. An example of a master pack would be a container loaded with several orders.
In addition, all pack IDs must have the same ship-to address as the first pack ID added.
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter an existing Master Pack ID or click GENERATE NEW.
- Enter the tracking data and known stage name.
- Click on the Add Packs tab to search/enter Pack Numbers by Shipment type. Repeat if required.
- Click SAVE when complete shipment is complete.
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Mass Transfer Order Ship
Processing Steps:
- Enter pack information and make the shipment for transfer orders.
- View the outstanding lines and can ship the TFO accepting the default bin locations or enter each line and change the location and quantity.
- Click SHIP to complete the Shipments.
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Picked Orders
Ship orders that have been picked. Picked Orders displays all orders set to Picked in Fulfilment Workbench
Processing Steps:
- Search/enter various filters before clicking VIEW PICKED ORDERS.
- All picked order lines are displayed and grouped together by order number.
- The user can click on individual lines for inclusion/exclusion or click SELECT ALL/DESELECT ALL.
- Click PROCESS to confirm the Pack.
Secondary Actions Menu:
- Cust Num by Ship To Num - Allows the user to filter and return a list of Customer Ship To's for Picked Orders.
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Secondary Actions Menu | |
Pick List
Picked list gives a readout of a sales order lines and the locations they can be found (read-only). This is a digital copy of the printed pick list. Users simply search and select which orders they wish to pick. The handheld then displays each selected line/release on the order into a single list. Below each line and release is a list of warehouse and bins with quantity on hand.
Processing Steps:
- Search/enter an Order Number.
- The user can access each line to determine where stock can be picked from.
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Container Arrival
Container Arrival is the process to confirm the arrival of a container to the site. The user indicates which shipment has arrived and the user flags that the shipment has arrived, which changes the status of the shipment from ‘Shipped’ to ‘Arrived’.
Processing Steps:
- Search/enter a Container ID.
- Click VIEW CONTAINER to open the container details.
- Click ARRIVED to change the status.
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Container Receipt
Handle the mass receipt of all container lines or individual lines from a given Container Shipment ID.
Processing Steps:
- Search/enter a Container ID
- Click VIEW CONTAINER to see container information.
- Click RECEIVE to continue receipt process in the Receipt tab.
- Click RECEIVE ALL if appropriate.
- Open each line and receive each line individually. The Part qty can be updated.
- Click SAVE
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Inter-company PO Receipt
Receive an inter company purchase orders for a specified supplier. These are purchase orders generated from PO suggestions using the Generate Purchase Orders selection on the Actions menu in New PO Suggestions.
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter Supplier ID, including Purchase Point and click VIEW PURCHASE ORDERS.
- The shipped inter-company POs will display and can be accessed.
- Access each line to confirm amend bin location or accept defaults and receive all.
- The Warehouse and bin location can be changed at the line level.
- Click RECEIVE ALL to process Receipt.
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Mass PO Receipt
The mass receipt functionality allows you to receive multiple lines on a purchase order at one time. The purchase order created for shop supplies has many lines. The Mass Receipt option allows the receipt of all the lines at one time and assumes the lines are received complete. If some of the lines are not received complete, the listing allows changes to the quantity.
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter a Purchase Order Number.
- Search/Enter an existing Packslip number or enter a new Packslip Number.
- Click MASS RECEIPT to view all Parts/lines on the Purchase Order.
- Click GET ALL to pre-populate the quantity received on all lines.
- Click RECEIVE to flag all lines are Received.
- Click SET ALL (same as clicking TO LOCATION on the Line tab) when the stock is moved directly to the default Location.
- Click CONFIRM on the Line tab when entering line specific detail.
- Click PROCESS to complete the Receipt.
Secondary Actions Menu:
- PO Num by Part - Displays Purchase Order numbers sorted by Part and includes a Filter by Part and ability to Scan a barcode after clicking the Camera button.
Secondary Actions Menu |
PO Receipt
Use PO Receipt to receive a shipment from a purchase order.
For received items marked as Buy To Order (BTO) items on the source purchase order, the Epicor application allows for receipt in the same manner as regular stock receipt lines. When you save the receipt, the goods are received to stock but are automatically allocated and reserved, via internal cross docking processes, to the linked sales order release. Once you receive the goods for a BTO purchase order release, use Handheld Customer Shipment, Customer Shipment Entry or Container Landed Cost Entry to create a customer shipment to ship the received goods to the customer.
Purchased items that are tied to a sales order release and designated for drop shipment to the customer do not display in this program. Use Drop Shipment Entry to mark a drop shipped release as received. This marks the sales order release as shipped and the PO release as received.
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter a PO Number.
- Search for an existing Packslip Number or Enter a new Packslip Number to be created.
- Click RECEIVE.
- Select a Line/Scan a Part (Scan validation may be a required setting) to enter details.
- Selecting/scanning a UOM code will automatically populate the quantity.
- Check boxes
Complete – Automatically selected when Input quantity equals to the order quantity.
Insp Req – Automatically selected when Inspection Required set on the PO Line. When selected Warehouse and Bin set to default inspection location. This check box can also be selected manually.
Print Label – Manually selected or selected by default when Default print PO receipt label is ON in Settings > Receipts. Print Receipt Label dialog opens when SAVE button is pressed.
- Click TO LOCATION when the stock is moved directly to the default Location.
- Click SAVE on the Line tab when entering line specific detail.
- On the Receipt tab click REVIEW RECEIVED to check/confirm details or CLOSE PACKSLIP to complete the process.
Secondary Actions Menu:
- PO Num by Part - Displays Purchase Order numbers sorted by Part and includes a Filter by Part and ability to Scan a barcode.
- Generate PCID - Creates a new PCID and populates the PCID field.
- Attach File - Allows to attached locally stored file to the Receipt Header
- Picture - Allows to take a picture on the device and directly attach it to the Receipt Header
- Signature - Allows to capture a signature and attaches it directly to the Receipt Head
Secondary Actions Menu | ||
Job Receipt To Inventory
Use Job Receipt to Inventory to enter the receipt of manufactured parts into inventory
After you complete the receipt, the Job Tracker view of the parent job displays a transaction code of MFG-STK (Manufacturing Receipt to Stock)
When you receive manufactured parts to inventory, several events occur. The on-hand quantity for the part in the part master file is updated, and the costs are updated. Also, a transaction history record with the job reference is created for the part
You do not have to receive parts to inventory before you ship them; you can ship directly out of Work in Process (WIP). Only receive items to inventory if you are building standard products, or if you have overruns or spares that you are not able to ship right away.
Processing Steps:
- Search/enter a Job Number.
- Click VIEW ASM (Assembly).
- Select an Assembly to view the details in the Data Entry tab.
- Complete the details and click SAVE.
Job Receipt To Job
Use Job Receipt to Job to enter the receipt of manufactured parts to another job
After the receipt is completed, the Job Tracker view of the parent job displays a transaction code of MFG-WIP (Manufacturing Receipt to Job)
Important - When receiving labor parts for concurrent jobs, it is important to receive the main part last. This is to ensure that all received labor parts will have the correct prorated job costs.
Processing Steps:
- Search/enter a Job Number.
- Click VIEW ASM (Assembly) to view details.
- Select a record to enter the destination Job details in the Data Entry tab.
- Click SAVE to finalise.
Job Receipt To Salvage
Report receipt of salvaged materials from a job. Salvaged materials are entered as inventory receipt transactions and reduce the material cost against specific jobs.
Example: A production job has material of 100 screws that can be salvaged from the job and used at a later time. You perform a job receipt to salvage transaction to receive the salvaged screws from the job.
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter a Job Number.
- Click VIEW ASM (Assembly) to view details.
- Select an Assembly record.
- Choose the material that produces the salvage materials.
- Select the salvage material produced in the job and the destination bin for the transaction, including quantity.
- Click SAVE to finalise.
Job Receipt To Inventory by ID
Use Job Receipt to Inventory by ID to enter the receipt of manufactured parts into inventory quickly when a Barcode for the Job and Assembly exists. Use the Job Receipt to Inventory program to receipt finished parts from a job to inventory.
After you complete the receipt, the Job Tracker view of the parent job displays a transaction code of MFG-STK (Manufacturing Receipt to Stock)
When you receive manufactured parts to inventory, several events occur. The on-hand quantity for the part in the part master file is updated, and the costs are updated. Also, a transaction history record with the job reference is created for the part
You do not have to receive parts to inventory before you ship them; you can ship directly out of Work in Process (WIP). Only receive items to inventory if you are building standard products, or if you have overruns or spares that you are not able to ship right away
Processing Steps:
- Scan/Enter the Job Number and Assembly.
- Enter details in the Process tab.
- Click SAVE.
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Job Receipt To Job by ID
Use Job Receipt to Job to enter the receipt of manufactured parts to another job quickly when a Barcode for the Job and Assembly exists. Use the Job Receipt to Job program to receipt finished parts from a job to inventory.
After the receipt is completed, the Job Tracker view of the parent job displays a transaction code of MFG-WIP (Manufacturing Receipt to Job)
Important - When receiving labor parts for concurrent jobs, it is important to receive the main part last. This is to ensure that all received labor parts will have the correct prorated job costs.
Processing Steps:
- Scan/Enter the Job Number and Assembly.
- Enter details in the Process tab.
- Click SAVE.
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Job Receipt To Salvage by ID
Report receipt of salvaged materials from a job. Salvaged materials are entered as inventory receipt transactions and reduce the material cost against specific jobs quickly when a Barcode for the Job, Assembly and Material exists. Use the Job Receipt to Salvage program to move material between jobs.
Example: A production job has material of 100 screws that can be salvaged from the job and used at a later time. You perform a job receipt to salvage transaction to receive the salvaged screws from the job.
Processing Steps:
- Scan/Enter the Job Number and Assembly.
- Enter details in the Process tab.
- Click SAVE.
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PCID Receipt to Inventory
Receive stock into Inventory by the PCID.
Processing Steps:
- Scan/Enter the PCID or alternatively the Job Number.
- Enter the To Warehouse and Bin details in the Process tab.
- Click RECEIVE ALL or RECEIVE PCID to complete receipt process.
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TFO Receipt
Receive transfer orders shipped from another site.
Example: Site 1 ships parts to Site 2 and the it arrives at Site 2.
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter a Pack Number.
- Select a Line record to view the details.
- Click SAVE or DONE to complete Transfer receipt.
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Adjust Inventory
This page is used to adjust stock counts within a warehouse bin or within an inventory package. This is usually performed by the warehouse manager/supervisor.
Adjusting Inventory Stock Process:
- Enter or scan a part number or part product code.
- Enter the required information about the part, provide a reason the adjustment is occurring.
- Scanning a barcode containing a product code or part number will open the scanner counter.
- Clicking the (i) icon next to the location header will show you the onhand locations. Select an onhand location to populate the required information automatically.
- Click save to process the adjustment.
Adjusting Packaged Stock Process:
(Requires ERP 10.2.300 or greater)
- Enter or scan a PCID code.
- A modal will open and users are required to select which item within the package to adjust.
- Information about the location cannot be modified as it is within a package, provide a reason the adjustment is occurring.
- Scanning a barcode containing a product code or part number will open the scanner counter.
- Click save to process the adjustment.
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Move Inventory
This page is used to move stock and packages from one location to another.
Moving Inventory Stock Process:
Enter or scan a part number or part product code.
Enter the required information on the transaction.
Scanning a barcode containing a product code or part number will open the scanner counter.
Click save to process the movement.
Moving Packaged Stock Process:
(requires ERP 10.2.300 or greater)
Enter or scan a PCID code.
Information about the from location and quantity cannot be modified as the package and all its contents must be moved in its entirety.
Click save to process the movement.
If you wish to move a specific part from the package, use the Package Control / Build Split Merge in the handheld to first remove the item from the package.
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Cycle Count
Add or update the physical count information for count tags or sheets in a selected cycle sequence. If the tag for which a count quantity is being entered was not originally generated as a blank tag, you cannot change the displayed part number, bin, lot, unit of measure, or serial number information. Before you enter count quantities for a tag or sheet, you must:
Create a cycle count schedule in Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance.
Use the Generate Tags selection from the Count Cycle Maintenance Actions menu to generate tags for the cycle sequence.
Use the Start Count Sequence selection from the Count Cycle Maintenance Actions menu to start the cycle sequence.
The standard module only allows the user to enter the tag number.
Processing Steps:
- Select a Cycle Count.
- Search/Enter Cycle Count Tag.
- Click GENERATE PART TAGS if required.
- Enter the required number of Part Tags.
- Click CANCEL/OK.
- Enter Lot and Quantity details in the Tag Entry tab. Use the WORKSHEET screen for multiple UOMs.
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Cycle Count Extended
Add or update the physical count information for count tags or sheets in a selected cycle sequence. If the tag for which a count quantity is being entered was not originally generated as a blank tag, you cannot change the displayed part number, bin, lot, unit of measure, or serial number information. Before you enter count quantities for a tag or sheet, you must:
- Create a cycle count schedule in Cycle Count Schedule Maintenance.
- Use the Generate Tags selection from the Count Cycle Maintenance Actions menu to generate tags for the cycle sequence.
- Use the Start Count Sequence selection from the Count Cycle Maintenance Actions menu to start the cycle sequence.
This module differs from the standard cycle count as it allows users to find tags using a number of filter options. Simply enter the known information about the item you are counting and press the all matches button. This will present the user with a list of uncounted tags matching the entered information. Select a match to process that tag.
Processing Steps:
- Select a Cycle Count which displays tags on the Select Tag tab.
- Select the Scan Type to best fit your scanning.
- Search/Enter values in any of the fields and click ALL MATCHES to display available tags.
- Click GENERATE TAG if required.
- Enter Part, Bin, Quantity and UOM Code details in the Tag Entry tab. Use the WORKSHEET screen for multiple UOMs.
- Select/Scan a line to enter Lot and Quantity details in the Tag Entry tab. Use the WORKSHEET screen for multiple UOMs.
- Click SAVE.
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UOM Split/Merge
Use Split Merge UOM to split an inventory quantity expressed in a specific unit of measure (UOM) into one or more alternate units. You can also use this program to merge inventory quantities expressed in several alternate UOMs into a single UOM quantity. It can only be used for parts for which the Track Multiple UOMs check box is selected in Part Maintenance
- For example, for a Split UOM transaction, 100 units on a pallet be broken into one bag (two base units), one box (four base units), or nine cases (10 base units each or 90 total)
- Conversely, if your inventory is stored in bags and boxes, you can use the Merge option to merge them into a single pallet of 100 base units
When you save the transaction, the Epicor application uses the conversion factors defined in UOM Class Maintenance to determine if the quantities selected for merging or splitting add up to the resulting UOM merge or split quantity. Entering split or merge transactions has the net effect of zero on the total physical on-hand inventory quantity for the part. The program updates two or more on-hand tracking part records and creates STK-ADJ PartTran records to reflect the changes
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter the Part, Warehouse, Bin where the part is located.
- Enter the Qty/UOM and then choose to MERGE or SPLIT.
- In the next screen, choose the number of the new UOM being created.
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Unpick Sales Order
Unpick the sales order that has been submitted for picking using the Fulfilment Workbench. You might do this if an order is cancelled after picking or if material needs to be reallocated to another order. To return picked material to its appropriate warehouse and bin, begin by entering or scanning the order number or PCID.
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter the Order, Line and Release numbers in the Order tab or
- Search/Enter the PCID in the PCID tab.
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Unpick Transfer Order
Unpick the transfer order that has been submitted for picking using the Fulfilment Workbench. When you unpick a transfer order, you unpick materials for a specified transfer order line and part number, and then return them to a specified warehouse and bin.
Example You create a transfer order to transfer 100 units of part A from Plant 1 to Plant 2. After the transfer order has been picked, you discover that the parts do not need to be transferred. You unpick the transfer order to change the status of the transfer order and return 100 units of part A to a selected warehouse and bin.
Processing Steps:
- Enter the Transfer order and line.
- Confirm the Quantity to Unpick.
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Issues and Returns
Issue Assembly
Issue a job assembly from inventory. Assemblies can be issued when the job assembly has specified a pull quantity from stock. Because the demand is for a sub-assembly part, this demand is different than a typical material requirement. Some of the quantity will be manufactured through a job, while the rest of the quantity will be pulled from stock. This stock quantity may be the result of overproduction on another job.
When you issue an assembly to a job, these events occur:
- The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job assembly record are updated with the quantity issued and extended cost. Extended Cost is calculated as the issue quantity times the current inventory Average, Standard or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
- The Onhand quantity and Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are reduced by the quantity issued.
- Also, a transaction history record is created for the part. The inventory transaction type is STK-ASM (job assembly issue). For more information on inventory transaction types, refer to the Inventory Transaction Types List within the Inventory Transactions Technical Reference Guide.
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter a Job Number.
- Click ASM (Assembly).
- Select a Sub Assembly.
- Complete details in the Data Entry tab.
- Click SAVE.
Secondary Actions Menu:
Data Entry
- No Action Available for this Transaction Type.
Issue Material
Issue a job material from inventory. When you issue material to a job, several events occur:
The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job material or assembly record update with the quantity issued and the extended cost. Extended Cost is calculated as the issue quantity multiplied by the current inventory Average, Standard, or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
The On Hand quantity and the Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are reduced by the quantity issued.
A transaction history record is created for the part. The transaction type is STK-MTL (job material issue)
Processing Steps:
Search/Enter a Job Number.
Click ASB (Assembly).
Select a Sub Assembly.
Select the Material records for the selected Sub Assembly.
Complete details in the Data Entry tab.
Click SAVE.
Secondary Actions Menu:
Data Entry
- No Action Available for this Transaction Type.
Issue Misc Material
Use Issue Miscellaneous Material to enter a miscellaneous issue of parts from inventory. A transaction history record is created for the part. The transaction type is STK-UKN. For more information on inventory transaction types, refer to the Inventory Transaction Types List within the Inventory Transactions Technical Reference Guide.
Processing Steps:
Search/Enter a Part Number.
Enter Quantity details and Reason for material issue in the Process tab.
Click Save.
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Return Assembly
Return an assembly from a job to inventory.
When you return an assembly from a job, several events occur:
The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job assembly record are updated with the quantity returned and extended cost.
Extended Cost is calculated as the return quantity times the current inventory Average, Standard or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
The Onhand quantity and Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are increased by the quantity returned.
A part transaction record is created for the part. The transaction type is ASM-STK (Job Assembly Return). For more information on inventory transaction types, refer to the Inventory Transaction Types List within the Inventory Transactions Technical Reference Guide.
Processing Steps:
Search/Enter a Job Number.
Click ASM (Assembly).
Select a Sub Assembly record.
Enter Quantity Returned details, including To Warehouse and Bin in the Data Entry tab.
Click SAVE.
Secondary Actions Menu:
Data Entry
- No Action Available for this Transaction Type.
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Return Material
Return material back to stock. When you return material from a job, several events occur:
The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job material or assembly record are updated with the quantity returned and extended cost.
Extended Cost is calculated as the returned quantity times the current inventory Average, Standard or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
If the inventory costing method is LotFIFO or FIFO and a part quantity is not consumed during production and is returned to inventory, the cost for the quantity is the actual FIFO cost layers that were originally issued to the job material.
The Onhand quantity and Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are increased by the quantity returned.
A part transaction record is created for the part. The transaction type is MTL-STK (job material return). For more information on transaction types, refer to the Inventory Transaction Types List within the Inventory Transactions Technical Reference Guide.
Processing Steps:
Search/Enter a Job Number.
Click ASM (Assembly).
Select a Sub Assembly record.
select the Material record.
Enter Quantity Returned details, including To Warehouse and Bin in the Data Entry tab.
Click SAVE.
Secondary Actions Menu:
Data Entry
- No Action Available for this Transaction Type.
Return Misc Material
Use Return Miscellaneous Material when you need to return previously issued miscellaneous parts to inventory
A transaction history record is created for the part. The transaction type is STK-UKN, which indicates the transaction is a miscellaneous issue of stock. For more information on inventory transaction types, refer to the Inventory Transaction Types List within the Inventory Transactions Technical Reference Guide.
Processing Steps:
Search/Enter a Part Number.
Enter the Quantity details and Reason Code for the Misc Material Return, including To Warehouse and Bin.
Click SAVE.
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Issue Assembly by ID
Issue a job assembly from inventory. Assemblies can be issued when the job assembly has specified a pull quantity from stock. Because the demand is for a sub-assembly part, this demand is different than a typical material requirement. Some of the quantity will be manufactured through a job, while the rest of the quantity will be pulled from stock. This stock quantity may be the result of overproduction on another job.
When you issue an assembly to a job, these events occur:
The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job assembly record are updated with the quantity issued and extended cost. Extended Cost is calculated as the issue quantity times the current inventory Average, Standard or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
The Onhand quantity and Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are reduced by the quantity issued.
Also, a transaction history record is created for the part. The inventory transaction type is STK-ASM (job assembly issue). For more information on inventory transaction types, refer to the Inventory Transaction Types List within the Inventory Transactions Technical Reference Guide.
Processing Steps:
Enter a Job and Assembly Number.
Enter the Quantity details.
Click SAVE.
Secondary Actions Menu:
- No Action Available for this Transaction Type.
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Issue Material by ID
Issue a job material from inventory. When you issue material to a job, several events occur:
- The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job material or assembly record update with the quantity issued and the extended cost. Extended Cost is calculated as the issue quantity multiplied by the current inventory Average, Standard, or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
- The On Hand quantity and the Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are reduced by the quantity issued.
- A transaction history record is created for the part. The transaction type is STK-MTL (job material issue)
Processing Steps:
- Enter a Job, Assembly and Material Job Sequence Number.
- Enter the Quantity details.
- Click SAVE.
Secondary Actions Menu:
- No Action Available for this Transaction Type.
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Return Assembly by ID
Return an assembly from a job to inventory.
When you return an assembly from a job, several events occur:
- The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job assembly record are updated with the quantity returned and extended cost.
- Extended Cost is calculated as the return quantity times the current inventory Average, Standard or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
- The Onhand quantity and Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are increased by the quantity returned.
- A part transaction record is created for the part. The transaction type is ASM-STK (Job Assembly Return). For more information on inventory transaction types, refer to the Inventory Transaction Types List within the Inventory Transactions Technical Reference Guide.
Processing Steps:
- Enter a Job and Assembly Number.
- Enter the Quantity details in the Process tab.
- Click SAVE.
Secondary Actions Menu:
- No Action Available for this Transaction Type.
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Return Material by ID
Return material back to stock. When you return material from a job, several events occur:
- The IssuedQty and TotalCost values on the job material or assembly record are updated with the quantity returned and extended cost.
- Extended Cost is calculated as the returned quantity times the current inventory Average, Standard or Last unit cost (depending on the inventory costing method).
- If the inventory costing method is LotFIFO or FIFO and a part quantity is not consumed during production and is returned to inventory, the cost for the quantity is the actual FIFO cost layers that were originally issued to the job material.
- The Onhand quantity and Allocated quantity for the part in the part master file are increased by the quantity returned.
- A part transaction record is created for the part. The transaction type is MTL-STK (job material return). For more information on transaction types, refer to the Inventory Transaction Types List within the Inventory Transactions Technical Reference Guide.
Processing Steps:
- Enter a Job, assembly and Material Sequence Number.
- Enter Quantity details in the Process tab.
- Click SAVE.
Secondary Actions Menu:
- No Action Available for this Transaction Type.
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Kanban Receipts
Report production quantities to create a Kanban job and receipt of material. Based on entered information, the Epicor application generates a job, pulls methods, and backflushes all materials and labor to complete a job.
This program also includes any subassembly that uses bills of material (BOMs). It then adds the good quantity to Finished Goods inventory, scraps the scrap pieces, and moves discrepant pieces into Quality Assurance (QA) inspection. If no pieces are discrepant, the application closes the job.
Kanban Receipts also handles processing of lower level lot tracked component and phantom BOM
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter a Part Number. Revision Number and Alternative Method can also be selected.
- Enter Quantity details in the Process tab.
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Package Control
PCID Build/Split/Merge
This program is available only if you have an AMM license
The PCID functionality is not available in Epicor Web Access (EWA)
Use PCID Build/Split/Merge to build, split or merge PCIDs. You can build PCIDs that contain parts, or parent PCIDs that contain child PCIDs, merge two or more PCIDs into a single PCID, nest PCIDs into another PCID or split parts from a PCID and add them to another PCID. You can also return parts in a PCID to inventory.
- Example PCID0045 contains two pallets. Each pallet contains 50 parts. If you want to split the PCID, you can move the entire PCID to another PCID or to stock. You can also move parts of the PCID contents, such as a pallet or a group of parts, to another PCID or to stock.
In PCID Build/Split/Merge, you can build, split or merge the contents of PCIDs to and from other PCIDs to and from inventory
Processing Steps:
- Search/Enter a Warehouse and PCID.
- Click GENERATE to create a new PCID.
- Click VIEW LIST to see the PCID Contents List.
- Select one of the existing contents lines to Split the PCID.
- Click ADD PART or MERGE PCID change the details within the existing PCID.
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Proof of Delivery
POD Customer Shipment
POD Customer Shipment allows signatures and pictures to be captured on delivery of shipment and saved as attachments against existing customer shipment record.
In addition picture can be taken and saved locally and attached at a later time with Attach File function. Files will be transferred directly to configured file storage location.
Shipment comments can be added or edited.
- Attaching pictures is only possible with device with inbuilt camera
- Capturing signatures requires a touch sensitive screen
- If you experience crashing when taking picture, please reduce your image quality in the POD settings.
Secondary Action Menu
- Lines of the shipment can be reviewed using Secondary Action Menu > Shipment Lines option
- Secondary Action Menu > Confirm Customer Ship option opens Confirm Customer Ship form where Tracking and Ship Via information can be edited and Shipment finalized.
POD Master Pack
POD Master Pack allows signatures and pictures to be captured on delivery of shipment and saved as attachments against existing Master Pack record.
In addition picture can be taken and saved locally and attached at a later time with Attach File function. Files will be transferred directly to configured file storage location.
Shipment comments can be added or edited.
- Attaching pictures is only possible with device with inbuilt camera
- Capturing signatures requires a touch sensitive screen
Secondary Action Menu
- Master Pack can be confirmed (Epicor's Stage Ship Confirm function) directly from Secondary Action Menu > Confirm Shipment option (available when shipment status is STAGED)
- Secondary Action Menu > Open Master Pack option opens Master Pack form where Tracking, Ship Via and Stage Number information can be edited, shipment Staged or Unstaged and Shipment finalized.
POD TFO Ship allows signatures and pictures to be captured on delivery of shipment and saved as attachments against existing Master Pack record.
In addition picture can be taken and saved locally and attached at a later time with Attach File function. Files will be transferred directly to configured file storage location.
Shipment comments can be added or edited.
- Attaching pictures is only possible with device with inbuilt camera
- Capturing signatures requires a touch sensitive screen
POD Stage
POD Stage allows selection of various Shipment Types with common properties such as Ship Date, Stage Number and Shipment Status in a single list to be delivered in one trip.
Route optimizer can be used to order the list of delivery items to follow optimal delivery route.
Proof of delivery in a way of signature and/or picture will be able to be obtained and saved as an attachment for each delivered item. Image file from local storage can also be added as an attachment to the delivered item.
- Filter criteria are defined in the Entry tab. Number of items satisfying the filter condition are shown on the SHOW ITEMS x button. (The button remains disabled and the message "We could not find any items" is displayed when no items matching the filter criteria could be found)
- The list of items satisfying the filter criteria are shown in Pick tab
- Route tab is open after FIND BEST ROUTE button is pressed to optimize the route and shows items in optimal delivery order in respect to configured depot address.
Secondary Action Menu
- Toggle Items option hides/shows completed (Shipped) items in the list
- Show Map option opens the map showing the optimized delivery route
Item Processing
Shipment items can be opened by selecting an item from the list in either Pick or Route tab.
Signatures and pictures can be captured on delivery of any shipment type and saved as attachments against selected shipment records in Epicor.
In addition pictures can be taken and saved locally and attached at a later time with Attach File function.
Attachments will be transferred to configured file storage location defined by selected Document Type.
(UPDATE COMMENT, ATTACH FILE, PICTURE and SIGNATURE functions are common to all shipment types)
Different Secondary Action options will be available depending on the type and status of the shipment being processed.
- Customer Shipment
- Lines of the shipment can be reviewed using Secondary Action Menu > Shipment Lines option
- Secondary Action Menu > Mark as shipped option finalizes shipment and sets status to Shipped.
- TFO Shipment
- Secondary Action Menu > Mark as shipped option finalizes shipment and sets status to Shipped. (Available for shipments with status OPEN and STAGED)
- Master Pack
- Secondary Action Menu > Mark as shipped option finalizes shipment and sets status to Shipped. (Option available only for shipments with status STAGED)
- Subcon Shipment
- Secondary Action Menu > Mark as shipped option finalizes shipment and sets status to Shipped. (Option available only for shipments with status STAGED)
The various settings outlined below will change the behavior of the application or the data that is displayed. The text describing a setting will change depending on the settings value selected. The switch to the left side is in the Off/False position (Grey). Changing it to the right side is the On/True position (Green).
General Settings
Setting | Type | Value |
General | ||
Input field autofocus | Toggle | On: When an input screen is accessed, the application automatically moves the cursor to the first input field. Off: App will not autofocus. |
Use Default Warehouse Code | Toggle | On: Defaults the warehouse code in all screens that require a warehouse input. Off: Warehouse code must be entered, scanned or select where required. |
Warehouse Code | Text Input | Defaults the warehouse code in all screens that require a warehouse input if the setting above is Active |
Lock User and Employee To 1-to-1 Relationship | Toggle | On: Defaults Employee ID to the one specified in User Account Maintenance for the signed in User in a selected Company. Employee ID entry field is disabled. Off: Any valid Employee ID in a selected Company can be entered |
Use MES Menu Security | On: Will use MES Menu Security permissions as set up in MES Menu Security maintenance in Epicor Off: Will use employee role permissions NOTE: This setting is only available for Epicor 10.2.700.7 and above with EMWW version 3.29.0 and above | |
Home View | ||
Production Worker Interface | Toggle | On: Displays the production activity of the user on the homepage. Off: Production activity is not displayed. |
Printer | ||
Auto submit SSRS Printer settings when only one printer is configured | Toggle | On: Print jobs are automatically submitted with, default settings, when only one SSRS printer is configured. CONFIGURE SSRS REPORTS form is not shown to the uses Off: User is presented with CONFIGURE SSRS PRINTER form where printer can be selected, page properties set or report send via e-mail. |
Cycle Count | ||
Confirm existing tags when generating new tag in Cycle Count Extended | Toggle | On: User must confirm against returned tags before generating new tag. Off: New tag will immediately generate on click. |
Allow users to void blank tags | Toggle | On: Users are able to void blank tags Off: Users cannot void blank tags |
Roaming Settings
Roaming Settings allows a Security Manager to configure all the settings for a User/Employee to follow them across multiple devices and are loaded upon login. Options selected in Settings section of the applications are stored for each Company and application version, and personal information such as custom Material Queue queries and Favourites are stored for each Employee per Company and application version.
Only UD tables (User Defined) that contain no data will be available for selection in the dropdown list.
Material Queue Settings
Allows users to create/edit a filtered/sorted view of data in the Material Queue list. The app adds the created view to the main menu as a child to the Custom Mtl Queries menu Item.. Existing records filters and sort orders are displayed.
You can create a statement from the functions and drop downs provided in the add/edit filter screen. The column field relates to column names in the material queue table. Columns can be added to the filter by selecting one from the list, or with 'Custom Column check box selected, any valid field present in material queue table, including UD fields, can be entered The operator has the choice of 6 different operators. If you require more than one filter in the query, simply add a new filter and use the join option (AND/OR) to specify how the 2 statement lines interact. Nested joins can be created using the open/close bracket.
Processing Steps:
- Enter a Query/Filter Name
- Click SAVE
- Select a query to edit
- User can select an existing Filter or Sort Order to edit
- User can click NEW FILTER, NEW SORT or DELETE
Receipt Settings
Setting | Type | Value |
PO Receipt | ||
Set quantity to remaining | Toggle | On: Qty equals remaining qty. Off: Qty equals zero. The user will be required to enter or scan the qty received. |
Assign part default location | Toggle | On: The receipt line on opening will automatically default to the parts default warehouse and bin. Off: The receipt line location will be set to the Site default receiving warehouse and bin location. |
Prevent scans changing quantity | Toggle | On: Scans won't change the qty field. Off: Scans will change the qty field. |
Hide existing packslip warning | Toggle | On: When existing packslip is entered, a warning message is hidden from the user and they progress with the transaction. Off: When existing packslip is entered, a warning message is shown to the user. They must confirm they wish to use the existing packslip before progressing. |
Default print PO receipt label | Toggle | On: Print PO receipt label is on by default. Off: Print PO receipt label is off by default. |
Leave Received Lines State to Arrived | Toggle | On: PO Receipt Lines are left as Arrived. Off: PO Receipt Lines are automatically set as received. |
Require part scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require lot scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require bin scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Pre-fill last-used PCID for Orders | Toggle | On: Active Off: Inactive |
Container Receipt | ||
Set quantity to remaining | Toggle | On: The Qty field will display the amount outstanding on the receipt line. Off: Qty equals zero. |
Assign part default location | Toggle | On: The receipt line on opening will automatically default to the parts default warehouse and bin. Off: The receipt line location will be set to the Site default receiving warehouse and bin location. |
Prevent scans changing quantity | Toggle | On: Scans won't change the qty field. Off: Scans will change the qty field. |
Default print container receipt label | Toggle | On: Print container receipt label is on by default. Off: Print container receipt label is off by default. |
Require part scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require lot scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require bin scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Inter Company Receipt | ||
Set all lines location to part default location | Toggle | On: The receipt line on opening will automatically default to the parts default warehouse and bin. Off: The receipt line location will be set to the Site default receiving warehouse and bin location. |
Job Receipt | ||
Require part scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Scan by assembly sequence | Toggle | On: Scanning by assembly sequence number. Off: Scanning by part number. |
Scan by material sequence | Toggle | On: Scanning by material sequence number. Off: Scanning by part number. |
PCID Receipt | ||
Set Default Input Tab to PCID | Toggle | On: Default input tab is by PCID. Off: Default input tab is by Job Number. |
Labor Settings
Use the Labor setting to apply defaults to the labor Activity screen.
Setting | Type | Value |
End Activity | ||
Pre-fill the End Activity Quantity | Toggle | On: End Activity quantity will be pre-filled with the required quantity. Off: End Activity quantity will be set as 0 by default. |
Default-enable the Request Move Flag | Toggle | On: On opening the End activity form the Request Move flag is set to true. Off: On opening the End activity form the Request Move flag is set to false. |
Shipping Settings
Use the Shipping setting to apply defaults to the outbound Shipping operation screens.
Setting | Type | Value |
PackOut Settings | ||
Over packing control mode | Dropdown List | None: Lets you override the system limit of Stock on Hand without warning you. Warn: Warns you that you are about to take more stock then the system has On hand. Stop: Stops you from selecting a quantity that is greater than the systems Stock on Hand. Requires user to investigate the discrepancy and do a Stock Adjustment. |
Multiscan barcode format | Dropdown List | Various combinations of Barcodes |
Auto Quantity checkbox default value | Toggle | On: Auto Quantity will be checked Off: Auto Quantity will be unchecked |
Auto save transaction when using Auto Quantity | Toggle | On: Transaction will be attempted to be processed when Auto Quantity checkbox is enabled, and the part entered is not lot or serially tracked Off: Transaction will not be automatically processed |
Auto apply ship via code of the order being packed | Toggle | On: Order ship via code will be applied when the shipment has an empty ship via code. Off: Ship via is a required field for the shipment record and will need to be entered before it could be saved. |
Require part scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan Off: Can save without scan |
Require lot scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan Off: Can save without scan |
Require bin scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan Off: Can save without scan |
Part number search modal fields | Toggle | On: Part number search modal will display the part number, remaining quantity/total quantity, the line, and the rel associated with the part Off: Part number search modal will only display a unique part number field when searching the part number |
Auto-focus quantity field | Toggle | On: Will auto-focus quantity when part is selected ( The following condition need to be satisfied for the feature to work
(Will work with multi scan that uniquely identifies line and release numbers)) Off: Will not auto-focus quantity when part is selected |
Transfer Order Settings | ||
Set quantity to remaining | Toggle | On: The Qty field will display the amount outstanding on the shipment line. Off: Will display a 0 in the Qty field. The user will be required to enter or scan the qty shipped. |
Picked Order Settings | ||
Part Number Scan Mode | Dropdown List | 1 - Select one line with the matching part number, in the first order that contains it. 2 - Select all lines that have that part number, regardless of which order they are in. 3 - Select all lines for all orders that contain that part number. |
Manual Selection Mode | Toggle | On: Selecting a line manually will select all lines for that order. Off: Selecting a line manually will only select the individual line. |
Customer Shipment Settings | ||
Disable Ship button on Customer Shipment screen | Toggle | On: Ship button is disabled Off: Ship button is not disabled |
Proof of Delivery Settings
Use Proof Of Delivery Settings to define parameters for transferring files (pictures, signature images, locally stored files) from the device to the server.
To successfully transfer files to cloud hosted EPICOR servers the Document Type selected must be based on correctly configured Google Drive or DropBox Storage Type.
(See relevant Epicor documentation 102600_AttachmentTypeMaint.pdf and 102600_EnterpriseContentMngmt.pdf)
Setting | Type | Value |
General | ||
Image Quality | Dropdown List | Set the image quality of the file to be saved |
File Type | Dropdown List | Set the image file type to be created for captured pictures and signatures. Only selected file type file will be able to attached from local storage. |
Signature Document Type | Multi selection | Out of the Epicor defined Document Types sets ones that are to be used when attaching Signatures |
Picture Document Type | Multi selection | Out of the Epicor defined Document Types sets ones that are to be used when attaching Pictures |
File Document Type | Multi selection | Out of the Epicor defined Document Types sets ones that are to be used when attaching local File |
Depot Address | text box | Trip start address used in route optimization |
Issues and Return Settings
Process issue queue settings apply across all material queue forms.
Setting | Type | Value |
General | ||
Set quantity to remaining | Toggle | On: The quantity will be automatically displayed with the quantity remaining for picking. The user does not need to modify the quantity before saving. Off: The quantity will be set to 0. This means the user is required to key in or scan the quantity that they are issuing. |
Prevent scans changing quantity | Toggle | On: Scans won't change the qty field. Off: Scans will change the qty field. |
Pre-fill last-used PCID for Orders | Toggle | On: The last used PCID is saved on the device and will be input into the PCID field the next item picked. Off: The user will need to scan or manually set for each pick. |
Prevent overpicking on 'xxx-SHP' type material queue items | Toggle | On: Overpicking is not allowed. Off: Overpicking is allowed. |
Require part or PCID scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require lot scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require from bin scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require to bin scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Scan by assembly sequence | Toggle | On: Scanning by assembly sequence number. Off: Scanning by part number. |
Scan by material sequence | Toggle | On: Scanning by material sequence number. Off: Scanning by part number. |
Automatically fill form with From PCID information | Toggle | On: Prefilling information using the From PCID. Off: Default |
Material queue employee warehouse group filtering | Toggle | On: Material queue will only display items that are assigned to current employee's warehouse group Off: Inactive |
Filter To Bin by current product | Toggle | On: To Bin search will initially display only bins containing the current part Off: To Bin search will initially display all bins and not filter by current part |
Issue Miscellaneous Material | ||
Automatically apply last successful warehouse, bin and reason to next transaction | Toggle | On: Keeps the Warehouse, bin and reason code stored in the field for the next transaction. Off: No fields are held on memory for the next scan. |
Return Miscellaneous Material | ||
Automatically apply last successful warehouse, bin and reason to next transaction | Toggle | On: Keeps the Warehouse, bin and reason code stored in the field for the next transaction. Off: No fields are held on memory for the next scan. |
Unpick Sales Order | ||
PCID Default Input | Toggle | On: PCID is the default input. Off: Order Number is the default input. |
Unpick Transfer Order | ||
PCID Default Input | Toggle | On: PCID is the default input. Off: Order Number is the default input. |
Configure Barcodes Settings
The Set Up Barcodes settings allows the user to assign a barcode on a part container directly to a Part UOM barcode in Epicor.
Processing Steps:
- Scroll or filter for the part that requires the new barcode
- Scan the barcode or manually enter the barcode for the parts various UOM's
- Click SAVE
Scanner Settings
Setting | Type | Value |
General | ||
Camera Barcode Scan Mode | Toggle | On: Clicking the active navigation tab will open the camera barcode scanner. Off: Standard behaviour. |
Scan quantity field as number | Toggle | On: Scan will be treated as a literal value and assign to quantity field. Off: Scan will be treated as a product code and invoke the scan increment module. |
Deactivate all scan increment functionality | Toggle | On: Scan increment functionality is stopped on all pages. Off: Standard behaviour. |
Serial Entry | ||
Auto-open Entry When Qty Changes | Toggle | On: App will open serial entry. Off: App will not auto open serial entry. |
Bar Codes | ||
Handle GS1-128 barcodes using industry standard format | Toggle | On: GS1-128 barcodes will process using application identifiers. Off: GS1-128 barcodes will read as raw string. |
Dividing character(s) for multi-ID barcodes | Enter a character used to separate multi-ID barcodes | |
Use Honeywell default internal scanner barcode settings (Honeywell scanners only) | Toggle | On: Active Off: Inactive |
Template | ||
Select Page for Entering Multi-Value Template | Dropdown List | Currently only used for PO Receipt > Entry. This will be expanded in future versions. |
Template (PO Receipt > Entry) Base variables : poNum packSlip | Textbox | This is a configurable value for Fixed or Dynamic barcode templates. Example: fixed:${poNum}~${IGNORE}~${packSlip} dynamic:#01${poNum}#,#02${packSlip}# See APPENDIX B for detail on how templates are created and interpreted |
Extended Template (PO Receipt > Entry) Additional variables: partNum lineNum relNum qty lotNum uom | When additional variables are included in the template application will use their values, after PO Number and Pack Slip identify all lines to be received on the PO, to :
As per standard template both fixed or dynamic template paterns can be used. |
Scan Validation Settings
Setting | Type | Value |
PO Receipt | ||
Require part scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require lot scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require bin scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Container Receipt | ||
Require part scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require lot scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require bin scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Job Receipt | ||
Require part scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Process Issue or Return | ||
Require part or PCID scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require lot scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require from bin scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Require to bin scan validation | Toggle | On: Cannot save without scan. Off: Can save without scan. |
Setting | Type | Value |
Move Inventory | ||
To Lot Number | Toggle | On: The To Lot field will be automatically prefilled with the From Lot value and next lot button is disabled. Off: The To Lot field can be edited and the next lot button is enabled. |
Configuring EMW Print functionality for Cloud EPICOR clients
Create new or use existing EPICOR user/s with access to Companies and Sites for which the printing function is to be set up. Unless sites are at the same physical location there should be a different user set up for each Site in each Company for which EMW print functionality is to be available.
In EPICOR Printer Maintenance define printers for individual Sites for each Company
EMW will list all available printers so it is advisable that Site specific printer/s is prefixed with Site code followed by “~” in the Description.
In EMW, Settings > General Settings, cloud customers will be able to specify EPICOR user name(set up in point 1) for currently logged in Site.
To successfully print from EMW connected to cloud EPICOR server, an EPICOR session has to be established by logging in to the EPICOR client at the site to which EMW is logged in, with the username configured in point 4. Also both EMW and the EPICOR client has to be logged in to the same company.
Barcode Templates
Barcode Templates is a new feature for EMW that allows users to specify customisable formats for barcodes in order to extract desired data. They can be used in two different ways (fixed or dynamic) which are explained below.
NOTE: The Barcode Templates functionality is still in development and instructions listed here may change or no longer work in upcoming releases.
NOTE: If you are scanning on a page that has a template specified, it will attempt to match the data scanned to the template. If the structure does not match, it will then ignore the template and treat the data as a normal scan (including checking whether the Dividing Character(s) are used within it). This can have unexpected effects if the template has the same character(s) as the Dividing Character(s) setting and the template match fails.
Barcode Template can be specified as one of two possible types: fixed or dynamic.
Fixed templates are used when a barcode structure will not change. The template must match the structure of the barcode from left to right.
Barcode | Template | Result |
4234-553 | fixed:${poNum}-${packSlip} | poNum = 4234 packSlip = 553 |
Dynamic templates may be used when a barcode has unique identifiers for each field and some kind of separator character that can be used to identify the end of a field. The template does not need to match the left-to-right structure of the barcode as long as the unique identifiers are set up correctly.
Barcode | Template | Result |
#014234#02553# | dynamic:#01${poNum}#,#02${packSlip}# | poNum = 4234 packSlip = 553 |
Template Structure
STRUCTURE: [type]:[template]
Every template MUST begin with a type identifier. This will be the name of the type along with a colon.
After the type, the template itself is specified. Templates are composed from three components: sections, field identifiers and separators.
Each section is made up of a combination or one or more field identifiers along with any separators that are required. Fixed templates can only ever have one section. Dynamic barcodes can have one or more sections, which are separated by commas.
A fixed section can have multiple field identifiers in the one section, whereas dynamic sections can only have one field identifier per section.
Field Identifiers
Every field identifier is defined by a dollar sign and left squiggly bracket, follow by the program-defined field name, followed by a right squiggly bracket (i.e. “${fieldname}”). The dollar sign and left bracket are used to identify the start of the field identifier. The field name must match a pre-defined list of supported field identifiers (listed at the top of the page). This field name is what the relevant barcode section is mapped to.
NOTE: Maximum length of fields is not supported in 3.2.7, however this feature should be coming in from version 3.3.#. Once this feature is included, it can be used by specifying the field name as ${fieldname:5} to specify a max length of five characters. If a suffix is found before the fifth character, the field mapping will be shorter. The maximum length value is optional and fields can still be specified without the ":5" in order to have no maximum length.
If a barcode has a field that you don't want to be used, use the field identifier of “${IGNORE}” for it.
Any characters that are outside of these field identifiers are considered separators and are used to separate the fields. These characters can be of any length and can exist both before and after the first and last field identifier respectively. A separator can be considered both a suffix of one field identifier and a prefix of another.
For fixed barcodes, the type is "fixed:". Note that the use of lowercase characters is required.
Fixed templates have a single section that must be defined in a left-to-right order. The template has strict matching requirements and the relevant barcode must match exactly.
The logic for parsing fixed templates is as follows:
Once the type of barcode has been checked, the app will then look for any separator that exists before the first field (e.g. the “PREAMBLE-” in one of the example). This can be blank.
Once the initial separator has been matched, it will then extract the field name from the field identifier (along with an optional max length in 3.3.0 onward).
It then checks the template for any separator that exists after the field identifier. Once this is found, it then matches the initial separator (a.k.a the prefix separator) to the barcode, then reads any data from that point onward into the field until the next separator is found (the suffix separator).
For the first example, it will check after the the type “fixed:” to find there is no prefix separator. It will then use field1 for the field name and the “-” as the suffix. When parsing the barcode itself, it starts from the start until it find the suffix separator to then map the value of 111 to field1.
If no suffix separator exists, it will map from the current point to the end of the barcode (i.e. for the 333 part of the barcode).
Once it has mapped a field identifier, it will then continue from that point for the next field identifier until all are mapped.
Barcode | Template | Result |
111-222-333 | fixed:${field1}-${field2}-${field3} | field1 = 111 field2 = 222 field3 = 333 |
PREAMBLE-ab777$i999*** | fixed:PREAMBLE-${poNum}$i${packSlip}*** | poNum = ab777 packSlip = 999 |
ABC123456 | ixed:${poNum}123${packSlip} | poNum = ABC packSlip = 456 |
TEST-4295/7474--123 | fixed:TEST-${poNum}/${IGNORE}--${packSlip} | poNum = 4295 packSlip = 123 |
Dynamic Template
The primary difference between fixed and dynamic barcodes is that dynamic barcodes specify multiple small sections which can be used to map to any part of a barcode, instead of having to having to map to a 1-to-1, left-to-right relationship.
Each section must have a unique prefix separator (i.e. #01, #02, etc), followed by the field identifier and then a suffix separator. The suffix separator does not need to be unique, and may often contain a character that is also used as the prefix for other separators (i.e. another #).
Instead of parsing the barcode only once, dynamic templates will check the entire barcode scan for each section. The logic is as follows:
The template is split into sections based on the comma.
For each section, the app will search through the entire barcode value until it finds the prefix separator. It will then map the following data into the field name until it finds the suffix character.
Instead of fixed barcodes, which would then continue from that point for the next field, the app will search from the start of the barcode again for the next section.
The example above would be used for a barcode that looks like this: #011234#025555#. Note that the hash in bold is used both as the suffix to indicate the end of the first field and also part of the prefix for the unique identifier for the next section.
The suffix at the end of a section can be left blank if you know for certain that the field will always be the last one in a barcode. Since the suffix wouldn’t exist, the app would simply add everything from the where the prefix separator is up to the end of the barcode into the specified field.
Barcode | Template | Result |
1ABBD~2$1200.50 | dynamic:1${poNum},2${packSlip} | poNum = ABBD packSlip = $1200.50 |
~1ABBD~2$1200.50~38877 | dynamic:1${poNum},~2${packSlip} | poNum = ABBD packSlip = $1200.50~38877 |
1114295111222123222 | dynamic:222${poNum}222,111${packSlip}111 | poNum = 123 packSlip = 4295 |
Support for using tabs within a template is not in the 3.2.7 release but will be coming out from 3.3.# onward (same as support for maximum length fields).
If you wish to use tabs within your barcode as separators between the fields, it will have to be represented in the template with "\TAB". Tabs that are added directly into the template will not work.
Incorrect: fixed:${poNum} ${packSlip}
Correct: fixed:${poNum}\TAB${packSlip}
Step | Example |
1. Add "fixed:" to the start of the template | "fixed:" |
2. Add any prefix before the first field if necessary | "fixed:" or "fixed:TEST-" |
3. Add "${fieldname}" to the template | "fixed:${poNum}" |
4. Add any suffix after the field if necessary | "fixed:${poNum}/" |
5. Repeat as required: | |
a. Add another field name "${fieldname2}" | "fixed:${poNum}/${packSlip}" |
b. Add another suffix after the field if necessary |
For Dynamic
Step | Example |
1. Add "dynamic:" to the start of the template | "dynamic:" |
2. Repeat as required: | |
a. Add the unique identifier prefix before field name | "dynamic:#01" |
b. Add "${fieldname}" to the template | "dynamic:#01${poNum}" |
c. Add a suffix to identify the end of the field (can be ignored if the field will always be the last field in the barcode) | "dynamic:#01${poNum}#" |
d. Add a comma (UNLESS this is the last section in the barcode, in which case do not add a comma) | "dynamic:#01${poNum}#,#02${packSlip}#" |
Customisable Barcode Template Functionality
Opening the Right-Hand menu and selecting Scanner Subscriptions menu item
Multiscan Types
There are 2 different types of multiscan functionality available in EMWW.
- Predefined patterns
- Predefined pattern of field values programmed directly on the page,
e.g Issue Assembly By ID, Bin Tracker, Lot Tracker etc.
b. predefined patterns of field values selected from a list of available patterns in settings that is then applied to the relevant page i.e., Pack Line in Pack Out
(Page means current open form or an active tab on multi tab form)
One configurable element, of otherwise fixed pattern, is Dividing Character(s) in in Settings > Scanner – Bar Codes section.
2. A template-based pattern that is defined against a page implementing template multi scan. Templates can be defined for available pages in Settings > Scanner – Template section
Following pages currently support template definitions:
- PO Receipt > Entry
- PO Receipt > Receipt
- Move Inventory > Entry
- Move Inventory > Transaction
- Container Receipt > Receipt
- Serial Manager Modal
Template types available for use are:
- fixed
Fixed templates are used when a barcode has a fixed structure which does not change. The defined template must match the structure of the barcode from left to right.
- dynamic
Dynamic templates may be used when a barcode has unique identifiers for each field and separator character that can be used to identify the end of a field. The template does not need to match the left-to-right structure of the barcode as long as the unique identifiers are set up correctly.
- GS1
GS1 templates are like dynamic ones but use GS1 standard AI codes as unique identifiers for each field and field’s standard definitions to read values. The template does not need to match the left-to-right structure of the barcode as long as the unique identifiers are set up correctly.
Template Structure
Every template MUST begin with a type identifier. This will be the name of the type along with a colon. After the colon, the barcode structure is specified. This is split into fields and separators.
Every field identifier must follow this structure: ${fieldname}. The values in the brackets are supported fields on the page for which template applies (e.g. ${poNum}).
These field identifiers are used to indicate which data in the barcode should be mapped to the field values.
Any characters that are outside of these field identifiers are used to separate the fields. These characters can be of any length and can exist both before and after the first and last field identifier respectively.
If a barcode has a field that you don’t want to be used, use the field identifier of ${IGNORE} for it.
For fixed barcodes, type identifier is “fixed:” in lowercase.
After the colon, the structure of the barcode itself is defined. As mentioned previously, this structure is read from left to right and must match entirely.
Barcode | Template | Result |
111-222-333 | fixed:${field1}-${field2}-${field3} | field1 = 111 field2 = 222 field3 = 333 |
PREAMBLE-ab777$i999*** | fixed:PREAMBLE-${poNum}$i${packSlip}*** | poNum = ab777 packSlip = 999 |
ABC123456 | fixed:${poNum}123${packSlip} | poNum = ABC packSlip = 456 |
TEST-4295/7474--123 | fixed:TEST-${poNum}/${IGNORE}--${packSlip} | poNum = 4295 packSlip = 123 |
For dynamic barcodes, type identifier is “dynamic:” in lowercase.
Dynamic templates allow you to specify identifiers for fields individually, instead of as a part of the entire barcode. Any number of fields may be specified, as long as they exist in the barcode.
Dynamic barcodes are split into sections which are separated by commas. Only one field identifier is allowed per section.
Within each section, the field identifier must be prefixed with a unique separator identifier so that the relevant data can be found (i.e. #01, ~02, etc). A field identifier does not have to be suffixed with a separator character(s), but if not, then all data from the prefix (#02) to the end of the barcode will be included in the field. This may be used to your advantage if you know for certain that certain fields will always be at the end of the barcode and do not need a separator at the end.
Example Barcode: #011234#03666#054295#079999999#10123#.
Example template: dynamic:#05${poNum}#,#10${packSlip}#.
In the example above, EMWW will ignore the dynamic: tag and separate the remaining template by commas, leaving us with two sections: #05${poNum}# and #10${packSlip}#. It will then go through the barcode twice. The first time, it will search until it finds #05. It will then map all data from there until it finds a #. This will result in the 4295 being mapped to poNum. It will then go through the barcode again looking for #10, then map the data from there until it finds the #, resulting in packSlip being set with 123.
Further Examples
Barcode | Template | Result |
~14274~2$1200.50~ | dynamic:~1${poNum}~,~2${packSlip}~ | poNum = 4274 packSlip = $1200.50 |
~14274~2$1200.50~38877 | dynamic:~1${poNum}~,~2${packSlip} | poNum = 4274 packSlip = $1200.50~38877 |
1114295111222123222 | dynamic:222${poNum}222,111${packSlip}111 | poNum = 123 packSlip = 4295 |
For GS1 barcodes, type identifier is “GS1:” in uppercase.
GS1 Application Identifiers (AIs) are prefixes used to define meaning and format of data fields contained in the barcode.
GS1 templates use AI codes as field identifiers effectively mapping bar code values prefixed with a given code to template fields,
Example Barcode: 019327782007499731030195131522061010201611119
Example template: GS1:01${partNum}320n${qty}310n${qty}11${origMfgDate}13${origMfgDate}15${bestBeforeDate}10${lotNum}21${lotNum}20${IGNORE}
In the GS1 template more than one AI could be mapped to the same destination field in EMWW, last one will be used if more than one found in the barcode.
AI codes 310n and 320n imply unit of measure KG and LB respectively
If the UOMs are configured in EPICOR differently an error will occur indicating that unit of measure could not be found
AI codes that should appear in the barcode but are not relevant and do not need be processed can be set to {IGNORE} e.g., AI 20 is set to be ignored.
GS1 AI code mappings to EPICOR
AI | Description | EMWW field |
01 | Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) | partNum (mapped via UOM Product Code) |
02 | Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) of contained trade items | partNum (mapped via UOM Product Code) |
10 | Batch or lot number | lotNum, fromLot, toLot |
11 | Production date | origMfgDate |
13 | Packaging date | origMfgDate |
15 | Best before date | bestBeforeDate |
17 | Expiration date | expireDate |
21 | Serial Number | serialNum (qty set to 1 [EA]) |
310n | Net weight, kilograms | qty [LB] |
320n | Net weight, pounds | qty [KG] |
37 | Count of trade items or trade item pieces contained in logistic unit | qty [EA] |
240 | Additional product identification assigned by the manufacturer | partNum |
241 | Customer part number | partNum |
(GTIN is mapped to partNum but this is rarely the actual Part Num in EPICOR, however, GTIN can be stored against a Part as Product Code. When using GS1 template Handle GS1-128 barcodes using industry standard format setting must be turned OFF in in Settings > Scanner – Bar Codes section)
Template Processing
PO Receipt > Entry
Mandatory fields in the template (scan opens PO Receipt > Receipt tab):
poNum, packSlip
Optional fields set1 (when provided will open PO Receipt > Line tab)
partNum, lineNum, relNum
(If lineNum and/or relNum not provided first item in the list matching the partNum will be opened)
Optional fields set2 (when provided with set1 will populate values in PO Receipt > Line tab
qty, uom, lotNum
(Only provided values will be used to populate relevant fields)
With a single scan of the bar code containing mandatory and optional variables, it is possible to populate text box values in Entry tab, select the receipt line and open Line tab and finally, populate text boxes in Line tab with provided values.
GS1 template is not appropriate for this page as there are no AI in GS1 standard representing PO Number and Pack Slip.
PO Receipt > Receipt
Mandatory fields in the template (scan opens PO Receipt > Line tab tab):
Optional variables set1 (when provided will open PO Receipt > Line tab)
lineNum, relNum
(If lineNum and/or relNum not provided first item in the list matching the partNum will be opened)
Optional variables set2 (when provided with set1 will populate values in PO Receipt > Line tab
qty, uom, lotNum
(Only provided values will be used to populate relevant fields)
With a single scan of the bar code containing mandatory and optional variables, it is possible to select the receipt line in Receipt tab and open Line tab and finally, populate text boxes in Line tab populated with provided values.
GS1 template can be defined for this page, lot attribute fields such as bestBeforeDate, origMfgDate, cureDate, expireDate and mfgLot can be mapped to relevant AI values contained in GS1 barcode.
Container Receipt > Receipt
Mandatory fields in the template (scan opens Container Receipt > Line tab tab):
Optional variables set1 (when provided will open Container Receipt > Line tab)
lineNum, relNum
(If lineNum and/or relNum not provided first item in the list matching the partNum will be opened)
Optional variables set2 (when provided with set1 will populate values in PO Receipt > Line tab
qty, uom, lotNum
(Only provided values will be used to populate relevant fields)
With a single scan of the bar code containing mandatory and optional variables, it is possible to select the receipt line in Receipt tab and open Line tab and finally, populate text boxes in Line tab populated with provided values.
GS1 template can be defined for this page, lot attribute fields such as bestBeforeDate, origMfgDate, cureDate, expireDate and mfgLot can be mapped to relevant AI values contained in GS1 barcode.
Move Inventory > Transaction.
Mandatory fields in the template
warehouseCode, binNum (scan populates Warehouse Code and Bin Number)
By default the "To" locations fields will be populated from template scan. Also when the focus on "To" location, the value pair that is scanned will populate the "To" locations fields.
With the focus on "From" location, the value pair that is scanned will populate the "From" locations fields.
Move Inventory > Entry.
Mandatory fields in the template (scan opens Move Inventory > Transaction tab)
partNum OR pcid
Optional variables set (when provided will populate values in Move Inventory > Transaction tab)
qty, fromWarehouse, fromBin, toWarehouse, toBin, fromLot, toLot
Only toWarehouse, toBin are required with pcid
(Only provided values will be used to populate relevant fields)
With a single scan of the bar code containing mandatory and optional variables, it is possible to populate text box values in Entry tab, open Transaction tab and finally, populate text boxes in Transaction tab with provided values including lot.
GS1 template can be defined for this page, fromLot OR toLot fields can be mapped to AI 10 values contained in GS1 barcode. Quantity in EA is read from AI 37 and weight quantities from AI 310n or 320n. When Serial number AI 21 is present and mapped to serialNum, field quality is defaulted to 1 and UOM to EA
Serial Manager Modal
Mandatory fields in the template
The template needs to be defined so that only serial number is extracted from bar code that may or may not contain additional elements
Points to note regarding lot number creation using GS1 template.
- If neither AI code 10 or 21 are found in the barcode and no potential attribute fields (11, 12, 13, 15) are found or no mapping to any LOTATTR field set to IGNORE in the template then
DO NOTHING – if part is lot tracked and may or may not require attribute entry all entries need to be entered manually.
- If neither AI code 10 or 21 are found in the barcode but any potential attribute fields (11, 12, 13, 15) is found
NEXTLOT button press is simulated (lot number generated) Attribute Entry form opens with prefilled date value from the scan.
- AI code 10 or 21 found but mapped and mapped to {mfgLot} which is lot attribute (date lot attributes may or may not be present)
NEXTLOT button press is simulated (lot number generated) Attribute Entry form opens with prefilled date value from the scan.
- AI code 10 or 21 found and mapped to {lotNum} (date lot attributes may or may not be present)
Lot Number in Line tab is populated with the scanned/mapped value and lot created. Attribute Entry form opens depending on the Part Lot Attribute configuration
- All attributes set to “Not Tracked” - Attribute Entry Form will not open, irrespective of whether attribute dates present in the barcode or not
- At least one attribute set as Tracked or Mandatory - Attribute Entry Form will open values that can be populated will be populated
- Bar code with previously defined Lot Number is scanned
Lot number is accepted – Attribute Entry form does not open. (i.e. equivalent to current behaviour when existing lot is entered/scanned or selected from the list)