It is required to connect to Epicor over HTTPS. This will mean means that data inflight is encrypted using the Epicor SSL Certificate. On the device, EKW will store at rest:
The network your EKW devices connect to should have access to:
Your Epicor server - This allows 2 way communication between the Epicor server and the EKW app that enables the EKW functionality.
The Biscit Licencing server
server - This allows for licence checking and basic telemetry data. This data is limited to:
Licence Checking - Data sent to the licence server includes the following fields:
Device ID (UUID)
EKW licence Key
Basic telemetry data
Count of the time each screen is accessed.
Count of SSL errors that occurred without any other error information.
Epicor Server Version
Epicor Licence Type Used
Epicor Licence Type Requested.
EKW app version
If you are using POD capabilities your devices should additionally have access to:
Google Maps
The Biscit Route Optimisation server