Versions Compared


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Table of Contents



Dispatch for Kinetic BISCIT Delivery Planning (BDP) is the final piece in the puzzle sitting between Epicor Kinetic Warehouse (EKW) and Proof of Delivery (POD).  Dispatch for Kinetic BDP offers proactive planning and end to end visibility from order to delivery.

The drag and drop functionality allows users to react to changing priorities quickly enhancing your planning capabilities. Increased visibility promotes earlier planning, optimizing logistics resources for greater efficiency. Consequently, it elevates the customer service experience by ensuring timely deliveries, every time.

With route optimization and seamless integration with EKW’s Delivery Staging feature, this enables your team to strategically load customer shipments onto delivery vehicles in reverse delivery sequence unlocking unprecedented efficiencies and streamlining your distribution operations.

As it is fully integrated to POD, it ensures that delivery instructions and optimized routes are effortlessly communicated. POD’s capture of ‘sign on glass’ signatures and images provide a seamless and efficient delivery confirmation experience.

“Dispatch for Kinetic” BDP is purpose built for Epicor Kinetic, with real time integration resulting in a singular, reliable source of truth, ensuring data consistency and integrity across your operations.

General Information


Ensure that all users that plan on operating in Dispatch Portal BDP (i.e. Moving data, optimizing runs) are added to a new “DispatchPortalGroup” security group.

1. Create a new Group in Epicor ‘Security Group Maintenance’ called “DispatchPortalGroup”

2. Go to user account and security maintenance.

3. Enter the user to be assigned to the group.

4. Go to groups and ensure “DispatchPortalGroup” is an authorized group for the user.

Getting Started

1. Go to

the Dispatch Portal:



/ (if you are using dispatch portal

. For Demo please use the link below:

If the user is using BDP for demo purposes, please use this link:


2. Agree to the


Terms of



3. Enter


Epicor server name and click



4. Enter

user name

User Name and



5. Select Company and Site.

6. Click


Log in

' (


This will start the CAB file install containing required services automatically


7. A pop up will appear saying the install has been successful.

a. Click


OK, and the browser window will automatically close

, continue to step


b. Continue to Step 8.

8. Regenerate the Epicor Data Model for your Epicor environment.

9. Refresh Epicor application pool.

10. Log into Epicor and open the Conversion Workbench and run


Conversion 210.


11. Refresh the Epicor application pool.

Now log

12. Log in to

the Dispatch Portal

BDP to complete automated setup steps now that the services exist

, and please see below



Refer to the succeeding instructions to perform the final Epicor checks.

Epicor Checks

The above should be all that is required for setup, now we need to log


The previous steps are the pre-requisite instructions for the following setup.

Log into Epicor and perform some checks:

1. Open Site Maintenance

, make sure


Ensure each site has an address and most importantly, a Country specified for the address

2. Open User Account Security Maintenance and add users to the




security group that has been automatically created during



Users that are not


included this group will


have read-only access in the portal.


The user should now be all set up to start using

the Dispatch Portal for the first time! Please see

BDP for the first time.

Refer below on how to create data for

the dispatch portal


  1. Ensure that users that are going to be accessing the BDP have access to user data within your Epicor environment.

Users that do not have access to customer data will not be able to see any runs in the BDP.

How to create Data in

the Dispatch Portal



There are 2 ways data is displayed in

the dispatch portal

BDP, either a transfer order, or a sales order will be displayed on the dispatch board:

Creating sales order data:

1. Go to the Epicor instance you are connecting to (either the client or via the web browser).

2. Search for and select

‘Order Entry’

the Order Entry module.

3. Once

this is open

opened, select the


New button to create a

new orderEnter in a

New Order.

4. Enter in the following details:

customer, need by and ship by date, and then click save. This will give you an order number

  • Go to the ‘Lines’ detail section and hit the ‘New’ button to create a new line

  • Title



    Input Customer

    Need by and

    Input Need by and

    Ship by date

    Input Ship by date

    5. In the Lines page and the Detail section and click on the New button to create a new line.

    6. Enter in the part and the quantity, and click


    on the Save button.



    7. Select the


    Ready to


    fulfill checkbox and

    hit save

    on the Save button.


    9. The order

    should now be on the dispatch portal

    will be seen in BDP.


    Creating transfer order data

    1. Go to the Epicor instance you are connecting to (either the client or via the web browser).

    2. Search for and select


    Transfer Order


    Entry module.

    3. Click the new button and enter


    from site



    The from site should be the plant you are using in

    dispatch portal), then click save


    4. Click on the save button.


    5. Go to the

    line details

    Line Details section and click the


    New button to create a line

    . Enter a part number, quantity, ship by and need by dates and then click save.image-20240725-031008.pngImage Removed


    6. Complete the following details:

    image-20240725-031008.pngImage Added



    Part number,

    Input Customer


    Input Quantities

    Need by

    Input Need by and

    Ship by date

    Input Ship by date

    7. Click on the Save Button.


    The order should now display in

    the dispatch portal




    1. Type in the Dispatch Portal BDP web address ( into the browser Address field, and hit ENTER.

    2. Read the Terms of Service.

    3. Once read and understood toggle the I accept switch to the right and click on Continue.


    4. In the Server field, type in the license server url and click on Continue.


    5. Enter the user credentials in the respective User Name and Password fields.


    6. Click Login.

    7. In the Company Configuration screen, choose the appropriate Company and Plant from the drop-down and click on Log In.



    8. Once logged in, the user will be redirected to the Dispatch Portal BDP Home screen, where the Dispatch Board is also located.


    a. Clicking on the Advanced Filter button allows the user to search using the following parameters:

    1) Order Number

    2) Customer Name

    3) Part Number


    b. The Advanced Filter button will appear to be highlighted in orange if a parameter has been selected.

    c. The search parameters can be cleared by clicking the Clear button.




    Comments made in the Internal Notes section is specifically made for the dispatcher to note in making a delivery.

    a. In the Dispatch Portal Home screen, select a Run to view it.

    image-20240618-000251.pngImage Removed

    b. Click on the notes icon within a run to view the Internal Notes.

    image-20240618-000504.pngImage Removed

    c. In the Internal Notes view, note the intended comments that a dispatcher will need while making their delivery.

    image-20240618-000833.pngImage Removed

    Example 1:

    image-20240618-001324.pngImage Removed

    Example 2:

    image-20240618-003139.pngImage Removed

    c. Notes made under the Internal Notes will be noted as well in any packs under that run in EPICOR.

    Vehicle Management


    The Vehicle Management section of Dispatch Portal allows the user to add new vehicles and edit existing vehicles in their fleet.

    Adding a new Truck

    image-20240301-054046.pngImage Removed

    a. In the Trucks page, click on New Truck to initiate the creation of a new truck.

    image-20240301-044839.pngImage Removed

    b. In the New Truck screen, input all the appropriate information to create the new truck.




    Input ID


    Input Description


    Input Length


    Input Height

    Tare Weight

    Input Tare Weight

    c. Click on Create New Truck.

    Editing a Truck

    image-20240301-054056.pngImage Removed

    a. In the Trucks page, click on pencil icon beside a truck listing and edit the necessary information in the fields.

    image-20240312-142035.pngImage Removed




    Input Description


    Input Length


    Input Height

    Tare Weight

    Input Tare Weight

    c. Once done editing, click on Update.

    d. An existing truck can also be deleted.

    e. Click on Delete Truck to delete an existing truck.

    Adding Trailers

    image-20240301-054213.pngImage Removed

    a. In the Trailers page, click on New Trailers to initiate the creation of a new trailers.

    image-20240301-045133.pngImage Removed

    b. In the New Trailers screen, input all the appropriate information to create the new trailers.




    Input ID


    Input Description


    Input Length


    Input Height

    Tare Weight

    Input Tare Weight

    c. Click on Create New Trailers.

    Editing Trailers

    image-20240301-054213.pngImage Removed

    a. In the Trailers page, click on pencil icon beside a trailers listing and edit the necessary information in the fields.

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    Input Description


    The BDP application allows users to add comments seamlessly across two key areas: the Run page and the Dispatch Board. These features enable effective communication and collaboration, helping users document, share, and reference important information directly within the application.

    Dispatch Board

    You can access and edit two types of notes within the Dispatch Board: internal run notes and daily notes. Internal run notes provide a way to document specific details about a run, while daily notes allow users to add comments about a particular day or even a range of days, offering greater flexibility for planning and communication.

    Internal Notes

    a. On the BDP Home screen, click on the comment box against a run.

    image-20250128-004746.pngImage Added

    b. An ‘Internal Note’ text box will appear that will allow the user to add a note against a run, once the note is complete, click save.

    c. Once saved, the board will refresh and the note will be orange, indicating that there is an internal note against the run.


    NOTE: If you wish to have the internal note displayed above the run card, go to the menu > general settings, and turn on the ‘Use Note Cards’ toggle.

    image-20250128-010417.pngImage Added

    Daily Notes

    a. On the BDP Home screen, click on the comment box against a day.

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    b. A comment modal will appear, allowing the user to specify a start date (the first day the note will apply), an end date (the final day the note will apply), and a note section to add details for a specific day or range of days. Click save once complete, and the board will refresh, and the selected dates with the note added will appear orange to specify that there is a note on that day.

    Run Page

    a. On the BDP Home screen, select a Run to view it.

    image-20240618-000251.pngImage Added

    b. Click on the notes icon within a run to view the Internal Notes.

    image-20240618-000504.pngImage Added

    c. In the Internal Notes view, note the intended comments that a dispatcher will need while making their delivery.

    image-20240618-000833.pngImage Added

    Example 1:

    image-20240618-001324.pngImage Added

    Example 2:

    image-20240618-003139.pngImage Added

    c. Notes made under the Internal Notes will be noted as well in any packs under that run in EPICOR.

    Vehicle Management


    The Vehicle Management section of BDP allows the user to add new vehicles and edit existing vehicles in their fleet.

    Adding a new Truck

    image-20240301-054046.pngImage Added

    a. In the Trucks page, click on New Truck to initiate the creation of a new truck.

    image-20240301-044839.pngImage Added

    b. In the New Truck screen, input all the appropriate information to create the new truck.




    Input ID


    Input Description


    Input Length


    Input Height

    Tare Weight

    Input Tare Weight

    c. Once done editing, click on Update.

    d. An existing trailer can also be deleted.

    e. Click on Delete Trailer to delete an existing trailer.

    Adding new Forklifts

    image-20240301-054253.pngImage Removed

    a. In the Forklifts page, click on New Forklifts to initiate the creation of a new forklifts.

    image-20240301-054513.pngImage Removed

    b. In the New Forklifts screen, input all the appropriate information to create the new forklifts.Click on Create New Truck.

    Editing a Truck

    image-20240301-054056.pngImage Added

    a. In the Trucks page, click on pencil icon beside a truck listing and edit the necessary information in the fields.

    image-20240312-142035.pngImage Added








    Input Description





    c. Click on Create New Forklifts .

    Editing existing Forklifts

    image-20240301-054253.pngImage Removed

    a. In the Forklifts page, click on pencil icon beside a forklifts listing and edit the necessary information in the fields.

    image-20240301-054623.pngImage Removed




    Input Description





    Input Height

    Tare Weight

    Input Tare Weight

    c. Once done editing, click on Update.

    d. An existing trailer truck can also be deleted.

    e. Click on Delete ForkliftsTruck to delete an existing trailertruck.

    Route Management


    The Route Management page is where the user will be able to create New Routes and edit the said routes.

    Creating a new route.

    a. In the Route Management

    Adding Trailers

    image-20240301-054213.pngImage Added

    a. In the Trailers page, click on the New RouteTrailers to initiate the creation of a new routetrailers.

    image-20240228-212722.pngImage Removed
    image-20240301-045133.pngImage Added

    b. In the New Route Trailers screen, input all the appropriate information to create the new routetrailers.

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    Normal Route - A route that goes from the depot to the list of addresses.

    Switch Route - A route that will go from the depot to a specified collection point, where deliveries on a run will be delivered from.

    Remote Route - A collection point from the above switch route. Once the driver reaches the remote route, the deliveries on the run will originate from this point.

    Departure Time

    Input Departure Time


    Driver Name


    Input Truck


    Input Forklift


    Input Trailer

    c. Click on Create New Route.

    Editing an existing route.

    a. In the Route Management page, click on the pencil icon beside an existing route to edit it.

    image-20240228-212722.pngImage Removed

    b. In the Route screen, all the details in an existing route can be changed.

    image-20240228-213455.pngImage Removed



    Departure Time

    Input Departure Time


    Driver Name - A list of employees in the EPICOR system


    Input Truck


    Input Forklift


    Input Trailer

    c. Once done editing, click on Update.

    d. An existing route can also be deleted.

    e. Click on Delete Route to delete an existing route.



    The General Settings section allows the user to calibrate and setup Dispatch Portal to fit the business needs.

    General Settings

    Input Description


    Input Length


    Input Height

    Tare Weight

    Input Tare Weight

    c. Click on Create New Trailers.

    Editing Trailers

    image-20240301-054213.pngImage Added

    a. In the Trailers page, click on pencil icon beside a trailers listing and edit the necessary information in the fields.

    image-20240301-050010.pngImage Added




    Input Description


    Input Length


    Input Height

    Tare Weight

    Input Tare Weight

    c. Once done editing, click on Update.

    d. An existing trailer can also be deleted.

    e. Click on Delete Trailer to delete an existing trailer.

    Adding new Forklifts

    image-20240301-054253.pngImage Added

    a. In the Forklifts page, click on New Forklifts to initiate the creation of a new forklifts.

    image-20240301-054513.pngImage Added

    b. In the New Forklifts screen, input all the appropriate information to create the new forklifts.




    Input ID


    Input Description


    Input Weight

    c. Click on Create New Forklifts .

    Editing existing Forklifts

    image-20240301-054253.pngImage Added

    a. In the Forklifts page, click on pencil icon beside a forklifts listing and edit the necessary information in the fields.

    image-20240301-054623.pngImage Added




    Input Description


    Input Weight

    c. Once done editing, click on Update.

    d. An existing trailer can also be deleted.

    e. Click on Delete Forklifts to delete an existing trailer.

    Route Management


    The Route Management page is where the user will be able to create New Routes and edit the said routes.

    Creating a new route.

    a. In the Route Management page, click on the New Route to initiate the creation of a new route.

    image-20240228-212722.pngImage Added

    b. In the New Route screen, input all the appropriate information to create the new route.

    image-20240228-221757.pngImage Added



    Route ID

    Input Route ID


    Normal Route - A route that goes from the depot to the list of addresses.

    Switch Route - A route that will go from the depot to a specified collection point, where deliveries on a run will be delivered from.

    Remote Route - A collection point from the above switch route. Once the driver reaches the remote route, the deliveries on the run will originate from this point.

    Departure Time

    Input Departure Time


    Driver Name


    Input Truck


    Input Forklift


    Input Trailer

    c. Click on Create New Route.

    Editing an existing route.

    a. In the Route Management page, click on the pencil icon beside an existing route to edit it.

    image-20240228-212722.pngImage Added

    b. In the Route screen, all the details in an existing route can be changed.

    image-20240228-213455.pngImage Added



    Departure Time

    Input Departure Time


    Driver Name - A list of employees in the EPICOR system


    Input Truck


    Input Forklift


    Input Trailer

    c. Once done editing, click on Update.

    d. An existing route can also be deleted.

    e. Click on Delete Route to delete an existing route.



    The General Settings section allows the user to calibrate and setup BDP to fit the business needs.

    General Settings

    a. In the Settings section, click on General Settings.

    image-20240709-072303.pngImage Added

    b. Set the necessary settings accordingly:



    App Version

    Specifies the version the user is using for BDP.

    Minimize Weekends

    This is a setting that will impact the Dispatch Board.

    If the toggle is switched to the right, the Dispatch Board will load with weekends automatically minimized.

    When the toggle is switched to the left, the weekends will be maximized like the weekdays.

    Unit system

    Allows the user to specify whether or not they would like to view data in Imperial or Metric system accordingly.

    For example, if Metric was selected, it would display the vehicle weight/length in metres/kilograms.

    If Imperial was selected, it would display in feet/pounds

    Decimal Accuracy

    This will display the height/weight measurements to the amount of decimals specified, with maximum being 2 decimals.


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    image-20240709-233113.pngImage Added


    c. Click Save.

    Company & Plant

    a. In the Settings section, click on General Settings Company & Plant.

    image-20240709-072303.pngImage Removedimage-20240303-223402.pngImage Added

    b. Set the necessary settings accordingly:



    App Version

    Specifies the version the user is using for Dispatch Portal.

    Minimize Weekends

    This is a setting that will impact the Dispatch Portal board.
    If the toggle is switched to the right, the Dispatch Board will load with weekends automatically minimized.
    When the toggle is switched to the left, the weekends will be maximized like the weekdays.

    Unit system

    Allows the user to specify whether or not they would like to view data in Imperial or Metric system accordingly.

    For example, if Metric was selected, it would display the vehicle weight/length in metres/kilograms.

    If Imperial was selected, it would display in feet/pounds

    Decimal Accuracy

    This will display the height/weight measurements to the amount of decimals specified, with maximum being 2 decimals.


    image-20240709-073112.pngImage Removed


    image-20240709-233113.pngImage Removed


    c. Click Save.

    Company & Plant

    a. In the Settings section, click on Company & Plant.

    image-20240303-223402.pngImage Removed

    b. Choose the appropriate Company and Plant from the drop-down list.

    c. Click Save.


    Choose the appropriate Company and Plant from the drop-down list.

    c. Click Save.



    Important: Obtaining an Azure Maps Key for Route Optimization

    If you plan to enable run optimization within the BDP, you will need an Azure Maps Key. Follow the steps below to obtain one:

    1. Sign in to the Azure Portal

      • If you don’t have an Azure account, search for "Azure Portal" and click Start your free account.

      • Follow the sign-up process by filling out your details.

      • Once registration is complete, click Go to Azure Portal.

    2. Create an Azure Maps Account

      • In the Azure Portal, search for Azure Maps Accounts and navigate to the page.

      • Click Create.

      • Fill out the required details, including creating a new Resource Group to store the Maps account.

      • Click Review + Create, then confirm the creation.

    3. Retrieve Your Azure Maps Key

      • Once the account is created, go back to the Azure Maps Accounts page.

      • In the left-hand menu, select Authentication.

      • Copy the Primary Key and enter it into your Azure Maps Key settings in the Dispatch Portal.

    a. In the Settings section, click on Routing.


    b. In the Azure Maps Key field, enter the the appropriate Azure Maps Key.

    c. Click Save.

    Time Factors

    a. In the Settings section, click on Time Factors.




    OTS Delivery (minutes)

    Input OTS Delivery (in minutes). This will add the minutes that have been entered against the delivery time for each one time ship to order delivery on a run.

    Border Times (minutes)

    Input Border Times (in minutes). This will add the minutes that have been entered against the delivery time for each border crossing that is present on a run. The minutes entered here will be doubled on optimisation to account for the return trip back through the border.

    Skid Times (minutes)

    Input Skid Times (in minutes). This will add the minutes that have been entered against the delivery time for each pallet on a run. A pallet will be grouped by a pack, so if there are 2 packs on a delivery, then it will be assumed that there are 2 pallets.

    Unplanned Contingencies (minutes)

    Input Unplanned Contingencies (in minutes). This will add the minutes that have been entered against the delivery time for unplanned contingencies (e.g. Stopping for food, stopping for the bathroom etc.).

    Break times (minutes)

    Input Break times (in minutes). This will add the minutes that have been entered against the delivery time for break times the driver is entitled to. This will account for how many break minutes per hour the driver is entitled to.

    Assumes Stop Duration (minute)

    Input Assumes Stop Duration (in minute). This will add the minutes that have been entered against the delivery time for assumptions on stop duration (e.g. Stopping for fuel, customer stop times etc.).

    c. Click on Save.

    Cost Factors

    a. In the Settings section, click on Cost Factors.




    Vehicle Cost (dollars)

    Input Vehicle Cost (in dollars). This will be an estimate of the cost of the vehicle. (Truck Tyres, Vehicle Maintenance, Cleaning etc.)

    Fuel Cost (dollars)

    Input Fuel Cost (in dollars). This will be an estimate of the cost of fuel per km.

    Labor Cost (dollars)

    Input Labor Cost (in dollars). This will estimate the cost of labor per hour. For example, if a run is 6 hours, it will be the inputted value times 6.

    Miscellaneous Cost(dollars)

    Input Miscellaneous Cost(in dollars). This will be an estimate of miscellaneous cost per run.

    c. Click on Save.

    Ship Via Mappings

    When an order has been created in EPICOR, the Ship Via Code found in the order will be consistent to the mapping being created in Dispatch Portal BDP under Ship Via Mappings page. This will automatically assign routes of orders created in EPICOR.

    a. In the Settings section, click on Ship Via Mappings.


    a. In the Settings section, click on Ship Via Mappings.

    b. Click on +New Mapping.


    c. Select a Ship Via and Route ID using the drop-down boxes.



    d. Click on Create New Ship Via Mappings.


    Run Page

    How to Go to Run Page.

    a. Click on the Home section to view the Dispatch Board.

    Runs will be visible here in a calendar view on which day a run is assigned to.

    Run - a route assigned on a specific day. A run may also be spread across multiple days if needed.

    b. click on a run to open the Run Page.


    b. In the Run Page, user can edit the Route Details.

    Editing Route Details.


    a. Beside the Route Details header, click on the edit icon.


    b. In the Edit Run Details screen, any of the details can be edited by selecting a new item from the respective drop-down.

    A Run has a default value for all of its details once it has been created in the Settings section. In the scenario that a user has to edit details, due to a driver being unable to do the route, a vehicle can’t be used, etc. these can be edited in the Edit Run Details page.






    Edit Driver by selecting from drop-down


    Edit Truck by selecting from drop-down


    Edit Forklift by selecting from drop-down


    Edit Trailer by selecting from drop-down

    c. Click on Update to complete any amendments to the Route Details.

    Optimising Route.


    a. In the Run Page, estimates are calculated accordingly for Travel Time and Cost will be seen here when Time Factors and Cost Estimates have been set up in the Settings section.



    b. Click on the Reoptimise Route button and click YES to calculate the Travel Time and Est. Cost.

    Editing a Delivery/Release.


    a. In the Run Page, under the Deliveries, click on the edit icon.



    b. Tick the appropriate order checkbox to edit the order.


    A single or multiple orders can be edited once the appropriate order checkboxes have been ticked.

    c. Click on the calendar icon beside the date to choose a different delivery date.



    d. Choose a new route in the drop-down.


    e. Click on Update Selected Releases to complete the amendments to the selected orders.

    Viewing an Order Timeline


    a. Under Deliveries, click on the headset icon beside an order.



    b. This will be pull up the Order Timeline view





    Order Created

    When an order is made and submitted to Epicor

    Order Released

    When the first item is release to the material queue

    Order Allocated to picker

    When an employee has picked an order and is allocated to them


    Shows how many items have been picked

    Order Packed

    Will indicate if an order has a pack number and a pack ID

    Order Shipped

    When an order has been shipped