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Table of Contents

Container Arrival


Container Arrival is the process to confirm the arrival of a container to the site. The user indicates which shipment has arrived and the user flags that the shipment has arrived, which changes the status of the shipment from ‘Shipped’ to ‘Arrived’


Processing Steps:

Search/enter a Container ID.


1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select Container Arrival.

3. In the Container ID field, enter or search for a Container ID.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Container ID fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Container ID.

4. Click VIEW CONTAINER to open the container details


or slick ARRIVED to change the status.


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Container Receipt


Handle the mass receipt of all container lines or individual lines from a given Container Shipment ID


Processing Steps:


Search/enter a Container ID


1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select Container Receipt.

3. In the Container ID field, enter or search for a Container ID.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Container ID fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Container ID.

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4. Click VIEW CONTAINER to see container information


or click RECEIVE to continue receipt process in the Receipt tab.

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5. Click RECEIVE ALL if appropriate.

6. Open each line and receive each line individually.

The Part qty can be updated.

7. Click SAVE





Inter-company PO Receipt


Receive an inter company purchase orders for a specified supplier. These are purchase orders generated from PO suggestions using the Generate Purchase Orders selection on the Actions menu in New PO Suggestions.  

Processing Steps:


1.Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select InterCompany Receipt.

3. In the Supplier ID field, enter or search for a Supplier ID.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Supplier ID fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Supplier ID.

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4. In the Pur Point field, enter or search for a Pur Point.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Pur Point fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Pur Point.


  • The shipped inter-company POs will display and can be accessed.

  • Access each line to confirm amend bin location or accept defaults and receive all.

  • The Warehouse and bin location can be changed at the line level.

6. Click RECEIVE ALL to process Receipt.



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6. Review the Line tab details and click CONFIRM.

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Mass PO Receipt


The mass receipt functionality allows you to receive multiple lines on a purchase order at one time. The purchase order created for shop supplies has many lines. The Mass Receipt option allows the receipt of all the lines at one time and assumes the lines are received complete. If some of the lines are not received complete, the listing allows changes to the quantity.

1.Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.


Processing Steps:


Search/Enter a Purchase Order Number.


Search/Enter an existing Packslip number or enter a new Packslip Number.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select Mass PO Receipt.

3. In the PO Num field, enter or search for a PO Num.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the PO Num fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate PO Num.

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4. In the Packslip field, enter or search for a Packslip.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Packslip fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Packslip.

5. Click MASS RECEIPT to view all Parts/lines on the Purchase Order.

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6. Click GET ALL to pre-populate the quantity received on all lines.

7. Click RECEIVE to flag all lines are Received.

8. Click SET ALL (same as clicking TO LOCATION on the Line tab) when the stock is moved directly to the default Location.

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9. Click CONFIRM on the Line tab when entering line specific detail



Click PROCESS to complete the Receipt.

Secondary Actions Menu:


PO Num by Part - Displays Purchase Order numbers sorted by Part and includes a Filter by Part and ability to Scan a barcode after clicking the Camera button.





Secondary Actions Menu

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PO Receipt


Use PO Receipt to receive a shipment from a purchase order.

For received items marked as Buy To Order (BTO) items on the source purchase order, the Epicor application allows for receipt in the same manner as regular stock receipt lines. When you save the receipt, the goods are received to stock but are automatically allocated and reserved, via internal cross docking processes, to the linked sales order release. Once you receive the goods for a BTO purchase order release, use Handheld Customer Shipment, Customer Shipment Entry or Container Landed Cost Entry to create a customer shipment to ship the received goods to the customer.

Purchased items that are tied to a sales order release and designated for drop shipment to the customer do not display in this program. Use Drop Shipment Entry to mark a drop shipped release as received. This marks the sales order release as shipped and the PO release as received


Processing Steps:


Search/Enter a PO Number.



1.Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select PO Receipt .

3. In the PO Num field, enter or search for a PO Num.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the PO Num fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate PO Num.

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4. In the Packslip field, enter or search for a Packslip .

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Packslip fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Packslip or Enter a new Packslip Number to be created.

5. Click RECEIVE.

6. Select a Line/Scan a Part (Scan validation may be a required setting) to enter details. 

Selecting/scanning a UOM code will automatically populate the quantity.

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7. Check the appropriate boxes acordingly.


Complete – Automatically selected when Input quantity equals to the order quantity.

Insp Req – Automatically selected when Inspection Required set on the PO Line.  When selected Warehouse and Bin set to default inspection location.  This check box can also be selected manually.

Print Label – Manually selected or selected by default when Default print PO receipt label is ON in Settings > Receipts. Print Receipt Label dialog opens when SAVE button is pressed.

8. Click TO LOCATION when the stock is moved directly to the default Location.

9. Click SAVE on the Line tab when entering line specific detail.

10. On the Receipt tab click REVIEW RECEIVED to check/confirm details


or CLOSE PACKSLIP to complete the process.

Secondary Actions Menu:


PO Num by Part - Displays Purchase Order numbers sorted by Part and includes a Filter by Part and ability to Scan a barcode.


  • Generate PCID - Creates a new PCID and populates the PCID field.

  • Attach File - Allows to attached locally stored file to the Receipt Header

  • Picture - Allows to take a picture on the device and directly attach it to the Receipt Header 

  • Signature - Allows to capture a signature and attaches it directly to the Receipt Head





Secondary Actions Menu

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Job Receipt To Inventory


Use Job Receipt to


Inventory to enter the receipt of manufactured parts into inventory

After you complete the receipt, the Job Tracker view of the parent job displays a transaction code of MFG-STK (Manufacturing Receipt to Stock)

When you receive manufactured parts to inventory, several events occur. The on-hand quantity for the part in the part master file is updated, and the costs are updated. Also, a transaction history record with the job reference is created for the part

You do not have to receive parts to inventory before you ship them; you can ship directly out of Work in Process (WIP). Only receive items to inventory if you are building standard products, or if you have overruns or spares that you are not able to ship right away.

Processing Steps:


Search/enter a Job Number.


1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select Job Receipt to Inventory.

3. In the Job Num field, enter or search for a Job Num.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Job Num fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Job Num.

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4. Click ASM (Assembly).

5. Select an Assembly to view the details in the Data Entry tab.

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6. Complete the details and click SAVE.






Search/enter a Job Number.


Job Receipt To Job


Use Job Receipt to Job to enter the receipt of manufactured parts to another job

After the receipt is completed, the Job Tracker view of the parent job displays a transaction code of MFG-WIP (Manufacturing Receipt to Job)


Important - When receiving labor parts for concurrent jobs, it is important to receive the main part last. This is to ensure that all received labor parts will have the correct prorated job costs.

Processing Steps:

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select Job Receipt to Inventory.

3. In the Job Num field, enter or search for a Job Num.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Job Num fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Job Num.

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4. Click ASM (Assembly) to view details.

5. Select a record to enter the destination Job details in the Data Entry tab.

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6. Click SAVE to







Job Receipt To Salvage


Report receipt of salvaged materials from a job. Salvaged materials are entered as inventory receipt transactions and reduce the material cost against specific jobs.

Example: A production job has material of 100 screws that can be salvaged from the job and used at a later time. You perform a job receipt to salvage transaction to receive the salvaged screws from the job.

Processing Steps:


Search/Enter a Job Number.

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select Job Receipt to Salvage.

3. In the Job Num field, enter or search for a Job Num.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Job Num fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Job Num.

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4. Click ASM (Assembly) to view details.

5. Select an Assembly record.

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6. Choose the material that produces the salvage materials.

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7. Select the salvage material produced in the job and the destination bin for the transaction, including quantity.

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8. Click SAVE to








Job Receipt To Inventory by ID


Use Job Receipt to Inventory by ID to enter the receipt of manufactured parts into inventory quickly when a Barcode for the Job and Assembly exists.  Use the Job Receipt to Inventory program to receipt finished parts from a job to inventory.

After you complete the receipt, the Job Tracker view of the parent job displays a transaction code of MFG-STK (Manufacturing Receipt to Stock).

When you receive manufactured parts to inventory, several events occur. The on-hand quantity for the part in the part master file is updated, and the costs are updated. Also, a transaction history record with the job reference is created for the part

You do not have to receive parts to inventory before you ship them; you can ship directly out of Work in Process (WIP). Only receive items to inventory if you are building standard products, or if you have overruns or spares that you are not able to ship right away


Processing Steps:


Scan/Enter the Job Number and Assembly.

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.

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  1. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select Job Receipt to Inventory by ID.

  2. In the Job field, scan or enter a Job number.

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4. In the Assembly field, scan or enter an assembly.

5. Enter details in the Process tab.

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6. Click SAVE.




Scan/Enter the Job Number and Assembly.

Job Receipt To Job by ID


Use Job Receipt to Job by ID to enter the receipt of manufactured parts to another job quickly when a Barcode for the Job and Assembly exists.  Use the Job Receipt to Job by ID program to receipt finished parts from a job to inventory.

After the receipt is completed, the Job Tracker view of the parent job displays a transaction code of MFG-WIP (Manufacturing Receipt to Job).


Important - When receiving labor parts for concurrent jobs, it is important to receive the main part last. This is to ensure that all received labor parts will have the correct prorated job costs.

Processing Steps:

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select Job Receipt to Job by ID.

3. In the Job field, scan or enter a Job number.

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4. In the Assembly field, scan or enter an assembly.

5. Enter details in the Process tab.

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6. Click SAVE.




Job Receipt To Salvage by ID


Report receipt of salvaged materials from a job. Salvaged materials are entered as inventory receipt transactions and reduce the material cost against specific jobs quickly when a Barcode for the Job, Assembly and Material exists.  Use the Job Receipt to Salvage by ID program to move material between jobs.

Example: A production job has material of 100 screws that can be salvaged from the job and used at a later time. You perform a job receipt to salvage transaction to receive the salvaged screws from the job.

  1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.


Processing Steps:


Scan/Enter the Job Number and Assembly.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select Job Receipt to Salvage by ID.

3. In the Job field, scan or enter a Job number.

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4. In the Assembly field, scan or enter an assembly.

5. In the Material field, scan or enter an assembly.

6. Enter details in the Process tab.

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7. Click SAVE.




PCID Receipt to Inventory


Receive stock into Inventory by the PCID.

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.


Processing Steps:


Scan/Enter the PCID or alternatively the Job Number.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select PCID Receipt to Inventory.

3. Scan or enter the PCID, or in the Job Num field, enter or search for a Job Num.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Job Num fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Job Num.

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4. Enter the To Warehouse and Bin details in the Process tab.

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  • Click RECEIVE ALL or RECEIVE PCID to complete receipt process.




TFO Receipt


Receive transfer orders shipped from another site.

Example: Site 1 ships parts to Site 2 and the it arrives at Site 2. 


Processing Steps:


Search/Enter a Pack Number.

1. Tap on the Menu icon located in the upper left side of the screen to pull up the Main Menu.

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2. Under the Main Menu, tap on Receiving and select TFO Receipt.

3. In the Pack Num field, enter or search for a Pack Num.

a. Alternatively, tap on the list icon beside the Pack Num fieldto select from a list, or tap on the filter icon to filter the list, and select the appropriate Pack Num.

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4. Select a Line record to view the details.

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5. Click SAVE or DONE to complete Transfer receipt.


