AI | Description | EMWW field |
01 | Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) | partNum (mapped via UOM Product Code) |
02 | Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) of contained trade items | partNum (mapped via UOM Product Code) |
10 | Batch or lot number | lotNum, fromLot, toLot |
11 | Production date | origMfgDate |
13 | Packaging date | origMfgDate |
15 | Best before date | bestBeforeDate |
17 | Expiration date | expireDate |
21 | Serial Number | serialNum (qty set to 1 [EA]) |
310n | Net weight, kilograms | qty [KG] |
320n | Net weight, pounds | qty [LB] |
343n | Length or first dimension, yards | qty [YD] |
37 | Count of trade items or trade item pieces contained in logistic unit | qty [EA] |
90 | Information mutually agreed between trading partners | packSlip |
91 | Company internal information | lineNum |
92 | Company internal information | relNm |
240 | Additional product identification assigned by the manufacturer | partNum |
241 | Customer part number | partNum |
250 | Secondary serial number | serialNum or lotNum, fromLot, toLot |
400 | Customer purchase order number | poNum |
(GTIN is mapped to partNum but this is rarely the actual Part Num in EPICOR, however, GTIN can be stored against a Part as Product Code. When using GS1 template Handle GS1-128 barcodes using industry standard format setting must be turned OFF in in Settings > Scanner – Bar Codes section)
With a single scan of the bar code containing mandatory and optional variables, it is possible to populate text box values in Entry tab, select the receipt line and open Line tab and finally, populate text boxes in Line tab with provided values.
GS1 template is not appropriate template can be defined for this page as there are no AI in GS1 standard representing PO Number and Pack Slip, poNum and packSlip fields can respectively be mapped to AI 400 and 90 contained in GS1 barcode. Optional variables ineNum and relNum can be mapped to AI 91 and 92.
PO Receipt > Receipt
Mandatory fields in the template (scan opens PO Receipt > Line tab tab):