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Configuring EMW Print functionality for Cloud EPICOR clients

  1. Create new or use existing EPICOR user/s with access to Companies and Sites for which the printing function is to be set up. Unless sites are at the same physical location there should be a different user set up for each Site in each Company for which EMW print functionality is to be available.

  2. In EPICOR Printer Maintenance define printers for individual Sites for each Company

  3. EMW will list all available printers so it is advisable that Site specific printer/s is prefixed with Site code followed by “~” in the Description.

  4. In EMW, Settings > General Settings, cloud customers will be able to specify EPICOR user name(set up in point 1) for currently logged in Site.

  5. To successfully print from EMW connected to cloud EPICOR server, an EPICOR session has to be established by logging in to the EPICOR client at the site to which EMW is logged in, with the username configured in point 4. Also both EMW and the EPICOR client has to be logged in to the same company.  


Barcode Templates



The logic for parsing fixed templates is as follows:

  1. Once the type of barcode has been checked, the app will then look for any separator that exists before the first field (e.g. the “PREAMBLE-” in one of the example). This can be blank.

  2. Once the initial separator has been matched, it will then extract the field name from the field identifier (along with an optional max length in 3.3.0 onward).

  3. It then checks the template for any separator that exists after the field identifier. Once this is found, it then matches the initial separator (a.k.a the prefix separator) to the barcode, then reads any data from that point onward into the field until the next separator is found (the suffix separator).

    1. For the first example, it will check after the the type “fixed:” to find there is no prefix separator. It will then use field1 for the field name and the “-” as the suffix. When parsing the barcode itself, it starts from the start until it find the suffix separator to then map the value of 111 to field1.

  4. If no suffix separator exists, it will map from the current point to the end of the barcode (i.e. for the 333 part of the barcode).

  5. Once it has mapped a field identifier, it will then continue from that point for the next field identifier until all are mapped.







field1 = 111 field2 = 222 field3 = 333



poNum = ab777 packSlip = 999



poNum = ABC packSlip = 456



poNum = 4295 packSlip = 123


Instead of parsing the barcode only once, dynamic templates will check the entire barcode scan for each section. The logic is as follows:

  1. The template is split into sections based on the comma.

  2. For each section, the app will search through the entire barcode value until it finds the prefix separator. It will then map the following data into the field name until it finds the suffix character.

  3. Instead of fixed barcodes, which would then continue from that point for the next field, the app will search from the start of the barcode again for the next section.


The example above would be used for a barcode that looks like this: #011234#025555#. Note that the hash in bold is used both as the suffix to indicate the end of the first field and also part of the prefix for the unique identifier for the next section.


Steps to Create Your Own Template

For Fixed



  1. Add "fixed:" to the start of the template


  1. Add any prefix before the first field if necessary

"fixed:" or "fixed:TEST-"

  1. Add "${fieldname}" to the template


  1. Add any suffix after the field if necessary


  1. Repeat as required:

a. Add another field name "${fieldname2}"


b. Add another suffix after the field if necessary

For Dynamic



  1. Add "dynamic:" to the start of the template


  1. Repeat as required:

a. Add the unique identifier prefix before field name


b. Add "${fieldname}" to the template


c. Add a suffix to identify the end of the field (can be ignored if the field will always be the last field in the barcode)


d. Add a comma (UNLESS this is the last section in the barcode, in which case do not add a comma)



There are 2 different types of multiscan functionality available in EMWW. 

  1. Predefined patterns

    1. Predefined pattern of field values programmed directly on the page, 

                         e.g Issue Assembly By ID, Bin Tracker, Lot Tracker etc.


One configurable element, of otherwise fixed pattern, is Dividing Character(s) in in Settings > ScannerBar Codes section.


  1. A template-based pattern that is defined against a page implementing template multi scan. Templates can be defined for available pages in

Settings > ScannerTemplate section


  • partNum (not pcid) on Entry tab


  • qty (or nbr piecesnbrOfPieces, not both at the same time)

  • uom

  • warehouseCode

  • binNum

  • reasonCode

  • lotNum

  • attrSet


Points to note regarding lot number creation using GS1 template.

  1. If neither AI code 10 or 21 are found in the barcode and no potential attribute fields (11, 12, 13, 15) are found or no mapping to any LOTATTR field set to IGNORE in the template then

DO NOTHING – if part is lot tracked and may or may not require attribute entry all entries need to be entered manually.

  1. If neither AI code 10 or 21 are found in the barcode but any potential attribute fields (11, 12, 13, 15) is found

NEXTLOT button press is simulated (lot number generated) Attribute Entry form opens with prefilled date value from the scan.

  1. AI code 10 or 21 found but mapped and mapped to {mfgLot} which is lot attribute (date lot attributes may or may not be present)

NEXTLOT button press is simulated (lot number generated) Attribute Entry form opens with prefilled date value from the scan.

  1. AI code 10 or 21 found and mapped to {lotNum} (date lot attributes may or may not be present)

Lot Number in Line tab is populated with the scanned/mapped value and lot created. Attribute Entry form opens depending on the Part Lot Attribute configuration

  • All attributes set to “Not Tracked”  - Attribute Entry Form will not open, irrespective of whether attribute dates present in the barcode or not

    At least one attribute set as Tracked or Mandatory - Attribute Entry Form will open values that can be populated will be populated

  1. Bar code with previously defined Lot Number is scanned

Lot number is accepted – Attribute Entry form does not open. (i.e. equivalent to current behaviour when existing lot is entered/scanned or selected from the list)