Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents



  1. Enter Licence Key to licence license the device and press LICENSE DEVICE 


      2. Press DEMO MODE if the application is to run against EPICOR demo system with configured EPIC06 or EPIC03 company or EpicorE6press  EpicorE6 in cloud educational environment  

Press  DEVICE to see how this device will be identified by the licencing system.    


 When connecting to EPICOR server configured for Azure AD Authentication Microsoft logon pages are presented instead of regular login screen shown above.

(Additionally SaaS customers need to enter their Epicor Tenant ID. This dialog does not display for on-premise customers )

Select employee

Select the Company/Site/Employee ID and click LOGIN.  Click the question mark for further help.


Secondary Actions Menu

Auto Select Transaction

Select the next transaction that needs to be completed in the warehouse for the logged in user.

Processing Steps:

  • Select a task to process by selecting within the lines.

  • A selected line will take you to the Process tab for completion

  • Click SAVE


  • Search/Enter a Warehouse and PCID.
  • Click GENERATE to create a new PCID.
  • Click VIEW LIST to see the PCID Contents List.
  • Select one of the existing contents lines to Split the PCID.
  • Click ADD PART or MERGE PCID change the details within the existing PCID.
Screen location
Blank Screen View

Proof of Delivery

POD Customer Shipment

POD Customer Shipment allows signatures and pictures to be captured on delivery of shipment and saved as attachments against existing customer shipment record.

In addition picture can be taken and saved locally and attached at a later time with Attach File function. Files will be transferred directly to configured file storage location.

Shipment comments can be added or edited. 

  • Attaching pictures is only possible with device with inbuilt camera
  • Capturing signatures requires a touch sensitive screen
  • If you experience crashing when taking picture, please reduce your image quality in the POD settings.

Secondary Action Menu

  • Lines of the shipment can be reviewed using  Secondary Action Menu > Shipment Lines option
  • Secondary Action Menu > Confirm Customer Ship option opens Confirm Customer Ship form where Tracking and Ship Via information can be edited and Shipment finalized. 

POD Master Pack

POD Master Pack allows signatures and pictures to be captured on delivery of shipment and saved as attachments against existing Master Pack record.

In addition picture can be taken and saved locally and attached at a later time with Attach File function. Files will be transferred directly to configured file storage location.

Shipment comments can be added or edited. 

  • Attaching pictures is only possible with device with inbuilt camera
  • Capturing signatures requires a touch sensitive screen

Secondary Action Menu

  • Master Pack can be confirmed (Epicor's Stage Ship Confirm function) directly from Secondary Action Menu > Confirm Shipment option (available when shipment status is STAGED)
  • Secondary Action Menu > Open Master Pack option opens Master Pack form where Tracking, Ship Via and Stage Number information can be edited, shipment Staged or Unstaged and Shipment finalized. 


POD TFO Ship allows signatures and pictures to be captured on delivery of shipment and saved as attachments against existing Master Pack record.

In addition picture can be taken and saved locally and attached at a later time with Attach File function. Files will be transferred directly to configured file storage location.

Shipment comments can be added or edited. 

  • Attaching pictures is only possible with device with inbuilt camera
  • Capturing signatures requires a touch sensitive screen

POD Stage

POD Stage allows selection of various Shipment Types with common properties such as Ship Date, Stage Number and Shipment Status in a single list to be delivered in one trip.

Route optimizer can be used to order the list of delivery items to follow optimal delivery route. 

Proof of delivery in a way of signature and/or picture will be able to be obtained and saved as an attachment for each delivered item. Image file from local storage can also be added as an attachment to the delivered item. 

  • Filter criteria are defined in the Entry tab. Number of items satisfying the filter condition are shown on the SHOW ITEMS x button.  (The button remains disabled and the message "We could not find any items" is displayed when no items matching the filter criteria could be found)
  • The list of items satisfying the filter criteria are shown in Pick tab
  • Route tab is open after FIND BEST ROUTE button is pressed to optimize the route and shows items in optimal delivery order in respect to configured depot address.

Secondary Action Menu

  • Toggle Items option hides/shows completed (Shipped) items in the list
  • Show Map option opens the map showing the optimized delivery route

Item Processing

Shipment items can be opened by selecting an item from the list in either Pick or Route tab.

Signatures and pictures can be captured on delivery of any shipment type and saved as attachments against selected shipment records in Epicor. 

In addition pictures can be taken and saved locally and attached at a later time with Attach File function. 

Attachments will be transferred to configured file storage location defined by selected Document Type.

(UPDATE COMMENT, ATTACH FILE, PICTURE and SIGNATURE functions are common to all shipment types)

Different Secondary Action options will be available depending on the type and status of the shipment being processed.

  • Customer Shipment
    • Lines of the shipment can be reviewed using  Secondary Action Menu > Shipment Lines option
    • Secondary Action Menu > Mark as shipped option finalizes shipment and sets status to Shipped. 

  • TFO Shipment
    • Secondary Action Menu > Mark as shipped option finalizes shipment and sets status to Shipped. (Available for shipments with status OPEN and STAGED)

  • Master Pack
    • Secondary Action Menu > Mark as shipped option finalizes shipment and sets status to Shipped. (Option available only for shipments with status STAGED)

  • Subcon Shipment
    • Secondary Action Menu > Mark as shipped option finalizes shipment and sets status to Shipped. (Option available only for shipments with status STAGED)


The various settings outlined below will change the behavior of the application or the data that is displayed.  The text describing a setting will change depending on the settings value selected.  The switch to the left side is in the Off/False position (Grey).  Changing it to the right side is the On/True position (Green).


General Settings


Input field autofocus


On: When an input screen is accessed, the application automatically moves the cursor to the first input field.

Off: App will not autofocus.

Use Default Warehouse CodeToggle

On: Defaults the warehouse code in all screens that require a warehouse input.

Off: Warehouse code must be entered, scanned or select where required.

Warehouse CodeText Input

Defaults the warehouse code in all screens that require a warehouse input if the setting above is Active

Lock User and Employee To 1-to-1 RelationshipToggle

On: Defaults Employee ID to the one specified in User Account Maintenance for the signed in User in a selected Company. Employee ID entry field is disabled.

Off: Any valid Employee ID in a selected Company can be entered

Use MES Menu Security

On: Will use MES Menu Security permissions as set up in MES Menu Security maintenance in Epicor

Off: Will use employee role permissions

NOTE: This setting is only available for Epicor 10.2.700.7 and above with EMWW version 3.29.0 and above

Home View
Production Worker InterfaceToggle

On: Displays the production activity of the user on the homepage.

Off: Production activity is not displayed.

Auto submit SSRS Printer settings when only one printer is configuredToggle

On: Print jobs are automatically submitted with, default settings, when only one SSRS printer is configured. CONFIGURE SSRS REPORTS form is not shown to the uses

Off: User is presented with CONFIGURE SSRS PRINTER form where printer can be selected, page properties set or report send via e-mail.

Cycle Count
Confirm existing tags when generating new tag in Cycle Count ExtendedToggle

On: User must confirm against returned tags before generating new tag.

Off: New tag will immediately generate on click.

Allow users to void blank tagsToggle

On: Users are able to void blank tags

Off: Users cannot void blank tags

Roaming Settings

Roaming Settings allows a Security Manager to configure all the settings for a User/Employee to follow them across multiple devices and are loaded upon login.  Options selected in Settings section of the applications are stored for each Company and application version, and personal information such as custom Material Queue queries and Favourites are stored for each Employee per Company and application version. 


Receipt Settings

PO Receipt

Set quantity to remaining


On: Qty equals remaining qty.

Off: Qty equals zero.  The user will be required to enter or scan the qty received.

Assign part default location


On: The receipt line on opening will automatically default to the parts default warehouse and bin.

Off: The receipt line location will be set to the Site default receiving warehouse and bin location.

Prevent scans changing quantity


On: Scans won't change the qty field.

Off: Scans will change the qty field.

Hide existing packslip warning


On: When existing packslip is entered, a warning message is hidden from the user and they progress with the transaction. 

Off: When existing packslip is entered, a warning message is shown to the user. They must confirm they wish to use the existing packslip before progressing.

Default print PO receipt label


On: Print PO receipt label is on by default.

Off: Print PO receipt label is off by default.

Leave Received Lines State to Arrived


On: PO Receipt Lines are left as Arrived.

Off: PO Receipt Lines are automatically set as received.

Require part scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require lot scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require bin scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Pre-fill last-used PCID for Orders


On: Active

Off: Inactive

Container Receipt

Set quantity to remaining


On: The Qty field will display the amount outstanding on the receipt line.

Off: Qty equals zero.

Assign part default location


On: The receipt line on opening will automatically default to the parts default warehouse and bin.

Off: The receipt line location will be set to the Site default receiving warehouse and bin location.

Prevent scans changing quantity


On: Scans won't change the qty field.

Off: Scans will change the qty field.

Default print container receipt label


On: Print container receipt label is on by default.

Off: Print container receipt label is off by default.

Require part scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require lot scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require bin scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Inter Company Receipt

Set all lines location to part default location


On: The receipt line on opening will automatically default to the parts default warehouse and bin.

Off: The receipt line location will be set to the Site default receiving warehouse and bin location.

Job Receipt
Require part scan validationToggle

On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Scan by assembly sequence


On: Scanning by assembly sequence number.

Off: Scanning by part number.

Scan by material sequenceToggle

On: Scanning by material sequence number.

Off: Scanning by part number.

PCID Receipt

Set Default Input Tab to PCIDToggle

On: Default input tab is by PCID.

Off: Default input tab is by Job Number.

Labor Settings

Use the Labor setting to apply defaults to the labor Activity screen.



End Activity 

Pre-fill the End Activity Quantity


On: End Activity quantity will be pre-filled with the required quantity.

Off: End Activity quantity will be set as 0 by default.

Default-enable the Request Move Flag


On: On opening the End activity form the Request Move flag is set to true.

Off: On opening the End activity form the Request Move flag is set to false.


Use the Shipping setting to apply defaults to the outbound Shipping operation screens.

PackOut Settings

Over packing control mode

Dropdown List

None: Lets you override the system limit of Stock on Hand without warning you.

Warn: Warns you that you are about to take more stock then the system has On hand.

Stop: Stops you from selecting a quantity that is greater than the systems Stock on Hand.  Requires user to investigate the discrepancy and do a Stock Adjustment.

Multiscan barcode format

Dropdown List

Various combinations of Barcodes

Auto Quantity checkbox default value


On: Auto Quantity will be checked

Off: Auto Quantity will be unchecked

Auto save transaction when using Auto Quantity


On: Transaction will be attempted to be processed when Auto Quantity checkbox is enabled, and the part entered is not lot or serially tracked

Off: Transaction will not be automatically processed

Auto apply ship via code of the order being packed


On: Order ship via code will be applied when the shipment has an empty ship via code. 

Off: Ship via is a required field for the shipment record and will need to be entered before it could be saved.

Require part scan validationToggle

On: Cannot save without  scan

Off: Can save without scan

Require lot scan validationToggle

On: Cannot save without  scan

Off: Can save without scan

Require bin scan validationToggle

On: Cannot save without  scan

Off: Can save without scan

Part number search modal fieldsToggle

On: Part number search modal will display the part number, remaining quantity/total quantity, the line, and the rel associated with the part

Off: Part number search modal will only display a unique part number field when searching the part number

Auto-focus quantity fieldToggle

On: Will auto-focus quantity when part is selected (

The following condition need to be satisfied for the feature to work

  1. scan incrementer is turned OFF
  2. bin scan validation is turned OFF
  3. lot validation is turned OFF
  4. Use Auto Qty is unticked
  5. Scanned Part does not appear on multiple lines and /or multiple Releases

(Will work with multi scan that uniquely identifies line and release numbers))

Off: Will not auto-focus quantity when part is selected

Transfer Order Settings

Set quantity to remaining


On: The Qty field will display the amount outstanding on the shipment line.

Off: Will display a 0 in the Qty field. The user will be required to enter or scan the qty shipped.

Picked Order Settings

Part Number Scan Mode

Dropdown List

1 - Select one line with the matching part number, in the first order that contains it.

2 - Select all lines that have that part number, regardless of which order they are in.

3 - Select all lines for all orders that contain that part number.

Manual Selection Mode


On: Selecting a line manually will select all lines for that order.

Off: Selecting a line manually will only select the individual line.

Customer Shipment Settings
Disable Ship button on Customer Shipment screenToggle

On: Ship button is disabled

Off: Ship button is not disabled


(See relevant Epicor documentation  102600_AttachmentTypeMaint.pdf and 102600_EnterpriseContentMngmt.pdf)  



Image Quality

Dropdown List

Set the image quality of the file to be saved

File TypeDropdown ListSet the image file type to be created for captured pictures and signatures. Only selected file type file will be able to attached from local storage.

Signature Document Type

Multi selection

Out of the Epicor defined Document Types sets ones that are to be used when attaching Signatures

Picture Document TypeMulti selectionOut of the Epicor defined Document Types sets ones that are to be used when attaching Pictures

File Document Type

Multi selection

Out of the Epicor defined Document Types sets ones that are to be used when attaching local File

Depot Address

text box

Trip start address used in route optimization


Process issue queue settings apply across all material queue forms.


Set quantity to remaining


On: The quantity will be automatically displayed with the quantity remaining for picking. The user does not need to modify the quantity before saving.

Off: The quantity will be set to 0. This means the user is required to key in or scan the quantity that they are issuing. 

Prevent scans changing quantity


On: Scans won't change the qty field.

Off: Scans will change the qty field.

Pre-fill last-used PCID for Orders


On: The last used PCID is saved on the device and will be input into the PCID field the next item picked.

Off: The user will need to scan or manually set for each pick.

Prevent overpicking on 'xxx-SHP' type material queue items


On: Overpicking is not allowed.

Off: Overpicking is allowed.

Require part or PCID scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require lot scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require from bin scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require to bin scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Scan by assembly sequence


On: Scanning by assembly sequence number.

Off: Scanning by part number.

Scan by material sequence


On: Scanning by material sequence number.

Off: Scanning by part number.

Automatically fill form with From PCID information


On: Prefilling information using the From PCID.

Off: Default

Material queue employee warehouse group filtering


On: Material queue will only display items that are assigned to current employee's warehouse group

Off: Inactive

Filter To Bin by current productToggle

On: To Bin search will initially display only bins containing the current part

Off: To Bin search will initially display all bins and not filter by current part

Issue Miscellaneous Material

Automatically apply last successful warehouse, bin and reason to next transaction


On: Keeps the Warehouse, bin and reason code stored in the field for the next transaction.

Off: No fields are held on memory for the next scan.

Return Miscellaneous Material

Automatically apply last successful warehouse, bin and reason to next transaction


On: Keeps the Warehouse, bin and reason code stored in the field for the next transaction.

Off: No fields are held on memory for the next scan.

Unpick Sales Order

PCID Default InputToggle

On: PCID is the default input.

Off: Order Number is the default input.

Unpick Transfer Order

PCID Default Input


On: PCID is the default input.

Off: Order Number is the default input.

Configure Barcodes Settings


Scanner Settings


Camera Barcode Scan Mode


On: Clicking the active navigation tab will open the camera barcode scanner.

Off: Standard behaviour.

Scan quantity field as number


On: Scan will be treated as a literal value and assign to quantity field.

Off: Scan will be treated as a product code and invoke the scan increment module.

Deactivate all scan increment functionality


On: Scan increment functionality is stopped on all pages.

Off: Standard behaviour.

Serial Entry

Auto-open Entry When Qty Changes


On: App will open serial entry.

Off: App will not auto open serial entry.

Bar Codes

Handle GS1-128 barcodes using industry standard format


On: GS1-128 barcodes will process using application identifiers.

Off: GS1-128 barcodes will read as raw string.

Dividing character(s) for multi-ID barcodes

Enter a character used to separate multi-ID barcodes

Use Honeywell default internal scanner barcode settings (Honeywell scanners only)


On: Active

Off: Inactive


Select Page for Entering Multi-Value Template

Dropdown List

Currently only used for PO Receipt > Entry.

This will be expanded in future versions.

Template (PO Receipt > Entry)

Base variables :




This is a configurable value for Fixed or Dynamic barcode templates.




See APPENDIX B for detail on how templates are created and interpreted

Extended Template  (PO Receipt > Entry)

Additional variables:







When additional variables are included in the template application will use their values, after PO Number and Pack Slip identify all lines to be received on the PO, to :

  1. open the Line Tab for PO line item identified by specified partNum, lineNum and relNum 
  2. and if specified assign values for Input Quantity, Unit of Measure and Lot Number.

As per standard template both fixed or dynamic template paterns can be used.

Scan Validation Settings

PO Receipt

Require part scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require lot scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require bin scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Container Receipt

Require part scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require lot scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require bin scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Job Receipt

Require part scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Process Issue or Return

Require part or PCID scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require lot scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require from bin scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.

Require to bin scan validation


On: Cannot save without scan.

Off: Can save without scan.


Move Inventory
To Lot NumberToggle

On: The To Lot field will be automatically prefilled with the From Lot value and next lot button is disabled.

Off: The To Lot field can be edited and the next lot button is enabled.


Configuring EMW Print functionality for Cloud EPICOR clients
